Sherman Axle end detailing

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Adrian Harris
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Sherman Axle end detailing

Post by Adrian Harris »

The Firefly is supplied with M6 Nylock nuts to secure each end of the road wheel axles, which are functional but not exactly prototypical.

I've spent some time learning g-code programming on my Boxford CNC lathe, and have finally finished the programs for the various parts for the ends of the road wheel axles.

This is what I was aiming for:
Sherman M32 Axle End Details
Sherman M32 Axle End Details
This is what I've produced so far:
CNC turned detailing parts
CNC turned detailing parts

The road wheel axle is 8mm diameter brass bar, parted to the correct length.

The end of the axle was drilled out to 4mm for a depth of 5mm, then threaded for M6 for 3mm. A commercial brass M6 half nut sits on this thread.

Next is a 16mm diameter 0.7mm thick aluminium washer, which will be epoxied to the outer face of the radius arm.

Then comes an 8mm diameter 0.5mm thick brass washer, turned from 8mm round brass bar, which represents the lock washer between the two nuts.

Finally, there is a 7.5mm length of 1/4" hexagonal brass bar, turned down to 4mm for 5mm length, which will glued into the end of the axle to represent the outer nut.

The inner end of the axle will also be M6 threaded, so that I can use one of the Nylock nuts on the inside face, which will allow me to torque up the axle to the correct tightness so that the axle doesn't turn in the radius arm.

Now that I have the various g-code programs finalised, I should be able to manufacture these parts for of my Shermans as and when needed.

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Robert E Morey
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Re: Sherman Axle end detailing

Post by Robert E Morey »

Those nuts look fantastic. Congratulations on getting your lathe working! No end to what you can make now! Excellent job!
Best regards,

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Adrian Harris
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Re: Sherman Axle end detailing

Post by Adrian Harris »

Thanks Bob - I wasn't sure anyone was still watching the Sherman threads :(

The Firefly seems to have sunk without trace :cry:

I've spent today making the axle end caps for the Panzer III out of brass.

I find the writing and tweaking of the programming side of it very satisfying, plus you start to build up a library of routines for certain tasks, which can be incorporated into other parts further down the line. :D

Are you still working on your M5 ?

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Robert E Morey
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Re: Sherman Axle end detailing

Post by Robert E Morey »

I still peek around the Sherman category. There's getting to be so many great builds and interesting categories its hard to keep up. I'm still finishing up my Armortek Sherman and making progress on the M5. I have the lower hull assembled and finally all the track parts and links made (thanks to CNC). I will be ready for motors soon. The M5 has millions of small turned parts - a CNC lathe would sure be handy. :D I'm hoping once I get the lower hull working (ie rolling chassis) that things will progress faster - likely story. :roll: :roll: :roll:

I agree its extremely satisfying to make your own parts, either manually or CNC. It just seems to take forever - but a great experience non the less.

Keep up the great work,

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Adrian Harris
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Re: Sherman Axle end detailing

Post by Adrian Harris »

> The M5 has millions of small turned parts

If there's something simple you'd like me to have a stab at, I'd be happy to have a go :D

Contact me at for details of my smoker fan control module

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