How do people move their tanks around ?

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Chris Hall
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How do people move their tanks around ?

Post by Chris Hall »

I've just tried to fit the frame of my Mk. IV into my Land Rover Discovery, and it's clear that, when completed and ready for the show circuit, she won't fit alongside all the other things I'd need to take (wife, dog, overnight bag .......... ). So a box trailer is probably the answer.

Fortunately I live in Wiltshire (on the northern edge of Salisbury Plain - good tank country !), so a trip to Bovington for Armortek Day is relatively straightforward. I've yet to suss out the general R/C 'scene' around the UK, though.

In general, how do people transport their armour around (on the same continent - I'm not planning on flying anywhere !) ? Those of you with Tigers and Panthers must have a much bigger problem than I'm facing .........

All the best,

Mark IV (Liesel, Abteilung 14, France 1918)
M3 Lee (25 Dragoons, Burma 1944)
Universal Carrier (2/Wiltshires, Italy 1944)
Panther (Deserter, 145 RAC, Italy 1944)
Centurion Mk 3 (8KRIH, Korea 1950/51)
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Re: How do people move their tanks around ?

Post by Adrian Harris »

This is my Sherman, about to be unloaded from a Mondeo:
This, or something very similar, seems to be the usual method.

If you watch Steen's video of the Armortek Open Day at Bovington here:

From about nine minutes onwards, which documents the end of the day, you'll see the variety of methods and vehicles people employ to load and transport their models.

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William Gardeniers
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Re: How do people move their tanks around ?

Post by William Gardeniers »

Hi Chris

In my Renault Clio stationcar.


With Regards William

michael hilton
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Re: How do people move their tanks around ?

Post by michael hilton »

Hello Chris, on an adapted ERDE trailer.....Mick

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Chris Hall
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Re: How do people move their tanks around ?

Post by Chris Hall »

Gentlemen -

Thanks for your quick and detailed responses. I'm particularly interested by Mick's response, as I've been thinking about an ERDE trailer, but without the specific conversion so I can use it for other things.

I've also looked at the YouTube video suggested by Adrian - not only are there some attractive tanks on display, but I'm also pleased to see that Bovington provides a separate parking area for Armortek Day.

Hoping to be a part of it all in October !

Mark IV (Liesel, Abteilung 14, France 1918)
M3 Lee (25 Dragoons, Burma 1944)
Universal Carrier (2/Wiltshires, Italy 1944)
Panther (Deserter, 145 RAC, Italy 1944)
Centurion Mk 3 (8KRIH, Korea 1950/51)
Morris Quad, 25-pdr & limber (45RA, Korea 1951)

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Re: How do people move their tanks around ?

Post by John Fitzsimons »

Michaels is a nice option. Just thinking about his trailer today. I might want passengers on next open day. Also like to be able to switch back to bike trailer.

Paul Morris
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Re: How do people move their tanks around ?

Post by Paul Morris »

Hi fellas.
The trailer option is good but watch out for any possible bounce! or in my case sudden breaking of the caravan in front on the M.6. .... NOT GOOD.
I drive a Mitsubishi L200 and a King Tiger Tiger 1 etc is no problem your tank however the MK4 only just fitted into the back of the truck with no packing whatsoever its longer than the King Tiger :lol:
Cheers Paul.
Paul's Tank Workshop. Complete Tank builds and re builds zimmerit and paint to museum quality standard.
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Re: How do people move their tanks around ?

Post by duncanallender »

Hi Chris,
I just drive mine in to back of estate car. I thought about using my trailer , but seeing how much my tools and rubbish bounce around, I would be worried about damage. My trailer has no suspension though.

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Re: How do people move their tanks around ?

Post by Dennis Jones »

I have a Hyundai Santa Fe and can get a Tiger and Comet alongside each other with a Panzer III across the back. Also I have a 6 X 4 trailer in which we carry the bridge and the Diamond T Truck and Trailer.

Loading the Tiger.
Loading the Tiger.

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Re: How do people move their tanks around ?

Post by dennypatterson »

:roll: : you want to think that you may increase your fleet, so anything small is a waste of time. i have 5 panzer,s 1 goes in the back of my forester plus all tools and inflatable tent, 4 go into the trailer with ramps ,generator, battery chargers etc. it is a single axle trailer, not cheap. tows o,k at 60 mph. i would say its the " dogs ......."
you can always look down to see me i only live 25 /30 miles from you


John Fitzsimons
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Re: How do people move their tanks around ?

Post by John Fitzsimons »

Here is my Tiger 1 driving into a mini. Ok for short trip to the park. Put the ramps on roof bars.


Last edited by John Fitzsimons on Mon Feb 02, 2015 11:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Steve Stuart
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Re: How do people move their tanks around ?

Post by Steve Stuart »

Once you have got the tank into the vehicle, the next trick is to stop it moving! 150 kg of Tiger Tank obeying Newton's First Law of Motion because you have to brake hard is not going to be a clever thing to observe :twisted:
So I have made up rectangular frames using Studwork Timber, Coach Bolts and Angle Iron (to get under Mudguards). This surrounds the Tank, which with one or two additional chocks, does not move around in the back, and protects the sides of the Tank from other objects when in transit. Plus stopping the Tank from running forward or backwards on its tracks when accelerating or braking. I have no photos at present but will take some when the next occasion presents. They are economical to make, particularly if you are happy to keep an eye on your local skips :) So you can have a custom frame for each Tank as well as one or two adaptations so as to link them together for side by side loading.

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Re: How do people move their tanks around ?

Post by andyquirot »

I have not thought about this yet. I have found out that when my tiger is build in my small workshop i CANT get it out the door. So in the summer i have to get the builders in and cut and fit a large door to the out side. Then i will start thinking about moving it. I have found building something so big take more thinking than just building but ho to move it, Store it, Transport it etc.
Regards Andy Quirot (Jersey C.I.)

Steve Stuart
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Re: How do people move their tanks around ?

Post by Steve Stuart »

Andy, Lateral thinking, if the door is too narrow, how about making up a support so as to be able to roll the Tank onto Its side, with the Turret off? Alternatively as long as you are in The Channel Islands, perhaps a 'Barn Raising' weekend could be arranged for a group of willing and understanding helpers who appreciate your requirements could help to manhandle the Tiger through the door?
What do you think... Steve

Daniel Scholefield
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Re: How do people move their tanks around ?

Post by Daniel Scholefield »

Are those just wheelchair ramps? I have been wondering the same question with my Mark IV so this has been very informative for me.
Mark IV No. 35 aka. L9 Lightning III
Hetzer No 28

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