Last Chance to Order Large Photo-etched Parts.

Armortek owners can buy and sell 1/6 scale accessories and detail parts. note: Armortek does not necessarily endorse these products and can accept no liability for contractual disputes
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Mike Stannard (toyrific)

Last Chance to Order Large Photo-etched Parts.

Post by Mike Stannard (toyrific) »

Hi Guys

I am sending in my final order for Photo-etched parts in the next few days. You have until December 31 to place your final order and receive the 10% discount. However if you want any of the large photo-etched parts listed below I need your order in the next few days for them to be included in this final order.

Large photo-etched parts and parts I am out of stock of list.

Tiger 1 and 2
TT20-K Tiger 1. Drum Cupola as TT20a as a Kit $165.00
TT23-K Tiger 1 Front Mudguards as TT23 as a Kit $165.00
TT24-K Tiger 1 Rear Mudguards Early Type as TT24 as a Kit $185.00
TT25-K Tiger 1 & Sturmtiger Rear Mudguards Late Type as TT25 as a Kit $165.00
TT26-K Tiger 1 Armortek Drum Cupola Upgrade $130.00
TT27-K Tiger 1 & Sturmtiger Engine Grill Covers Set of 4 as a Kit $70.00
TT32-K Tiger 1 Turret Stowage Bin (Bin Lids shaped and assembled) as a kit $375.00
TT34 All Tiger 1 and 2 Running gear lock bar and tab sets
TT39-A Tiger 2 Engine Intake Grills Set of 4 $250.00
TT41-A Tiger 2 Engine Over Grills Set of 2 $325.00
TT48-K Tiger 1 & Sturmtiger Engine Air Intake Cover as a Kit $65.00
TT55-K Tiger 2 Rear Mudguards as a Kit $180.00

Panther, Jadgpanther and Bergepanther
Pan01-Pan10-K Panther Set Parts Pan01 to Pan10 as a Kit $650.00
Pan01-Pan08-K Jagdpanther Set Parts Pan01 to Pan08 as a Kit $600.00
Pan01-BP-K Bergepanther Set Parts Pan01 to Pan07, Pan10 and PanBP as a Kit $650.00
Pan16-K Panther Cleaning Rod Canister Upgrade as Pan16 as a Kit $65.00
Pan21A-K Panther Exhaust Fan Grills and Covers Deluxe Set Kit $150.00
Pan22A-K Panther Engine Intake Grills and Covers Deluxe Set Kit $165.00
Pan22B-K Panther Engine Intake Grills Basic Set Kit $85.00
Pan24-K Panther Cupola Kit $550.00

Panzer III and Stug III
PZIIIT19-K Engine Intake Grill Covers Set of Two (Pz III & Stug I1I)Kit $60.00
SGIIIT19-K Engine Intake Grill Covers Set of Two Kit (All Ausf) $60.00

SdKfz 222
SD222-03 Sd222 and 250/9 Turret Grill Cover as a Kit Tentative Orders only

Misc parts.
DECK01 6” x 12” Nickel Silver Diamond Pattern $60.00
DECK02 6” x 12” Nickel Silver Squared Separated ‘T’ Pattern $60.00
DECK03 6” x 12” Nickel Silver Dot Pattern $60.00
DECK05 6” x 12” Nickel Silver US Pattern $60.00
SDAH51D Flak 38 Trailer Sd.Ah.51 Deluxe Kit with rubber wheeled tires $350.00
ZIMTOOL01 Zimmerit Tool Set 1 (22 teeth to 2”) Blades 2”, 1” and 1/2” $20.00
ZIMTOOL02 Zimmerit Tool Set 2 (18 teeth to 2”) Blades 2”, 1” and 1/2” $20.00
ZIMTOOL03 Zimmerit Tool Set 3 (16 teeth to 2”) Blades 2”, 1” and 1/2” $20.00

Price List Update of parts not listed in current catalog.

Tiger 1
TT56-K Tiger 1 Late and Tiger 2 Muzzle Brake without Rifling Plug Kit $150.00
TT56-BK Tiger 1 Late and Tiger 2 Muzzle Brake Plug Kit with assembled Rifling Plug $200.00
TT57-A Tiger 1 Front Air Vent $25.00

Pan31-K Panther IR Scope as a Kit TBA
Pan32-K Panther IR Scope Armored Bin as a Kit TBA

General Parts
Gent012W-2A 1.6 mm x 12 mm Eye Bolt and 1.6 mm Wing Nut x 2 $7.00
Gent012W-10A 1.6 mm x 12 mm Eye Bolt and 1.6 mm Wing Nut x 10 $30.00
Gent012N-2A 1.6 mm x 12 mm Eye Bolt and 1.6 mm Scaled Nut x 2 $5.00
Gent012N-10A 1.6 mm x 12 mm Eye Bolt and 1.6 mm Scaled Nut x 10 $20.00
Gent041-K KW Rifle Rack and Cross Bar as a Kit $50.00
Gent042-K KW Rear MG34 Mount as a Kit $25.00
Gent043-K KW Front MG34 Mount as a Kit $40.00
Gent044A-K KW MG34 Stowage Rack as a Kit (To be used with Gent041-K) $30.00
Gent044B-K KW MG34 Stowage Rack and Cross Bar as a Kit $40.00
Gent045-K KW MG34 Center Mount as a Kit $25.00
Gent046-A KW Floor Boards Assembled $45.00
Gent046-K KW Floor Boards as a Kit (With Insruction on how to assemble) $25.00
Gent047-A MG 34 Gurtsack TBA
Gent048-K MG 34 Gurtsack Mount TBA
Gent049-A Miniature 3/8” All Brass Hinges with Screws x 2 (hinge .016” brass) $3.00

T34-01-A T34/76 Tow Rope Set of 2. Assembled $60.00
T34-01-K T34/76 Tow Rope Set of 2. As a Kit $40.00
BT01-01-A British Larkspur Flexible Antenna Base $27.50
BT02-01-A British Clansman Flexible Antenna Base $27.50
BT03 Centurion Tow Rope Set TBA
BT04 Centurion Driver Periscope Set TBA


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