6th Scale Icons Inc Important Notice (Shipping & Payment

Armortek owners can buy and sell 1/6 scale accessories and detail parts. note: Armortek does not necessarily endorse these products and can accept no liability for contractual disputes
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Mike Stannard (toyrific)

6th Scale Icons Inc Important Notice (Shipping & Payment

Post by Mike Stannard (toyrific) »

Dear Friends

Due to the ever increasing demand for my products I felt it necessary to inform you all of my current production situation and delays in shipping of orders. Since January 1st, 2008 I have been able to ship 152 orders, currently I have 73 orders to fill. With an average of filling around 40 orders per month the current orders are going to take the next two months or more to complete, shipping around 10 orders per week. With this in mind I have to make some changes to my ordering process and payments.

To help me maintain the ability to complete orders I am, until the unforeseeable future, making a minimum of two months delivery on all future orders. Many will ship sooner, others may take longer depending of the content of the order.

At the end of this month I may close my ebay store or reduce it to on the shelf items such as flags and 88 mm rounds. I am doing this as I can no longer maintain the shipping policies for ebay.

As many of my products require machine set ups to produce, which takes time, it is beneficial to produce multiple parts at the same time. To help plan production and save time I am implementing a deposit system for all future orders. This way I hope to encourage customers to look ahead and place orders for delivery in two to three months without having to front up the full payment. This will help me plan production and ordering of out of house made items such as photo-etching and investment casting.

Ordering and Deposits.
Orders should be placed by e-mail using my on line catalog as a reference.
Catalog link:
I will send you an invoice with total including shipping options, insurance and deposit required. Payment balance will be due when order is completed.
Orders of $1.00 to $200.00. Full payment required.
Orders of $201.00 to $500.00. 50% deposit.
Orders of $501.00 and Up. 25% deposit.
Any orders that can be filled within two weeks, full payment required regardless of value.

With around 200 product lines it is not possible nor economical to keep in stock parts for all these products, photo-etching, investment casting, resin casting and metal spin casting will in the future be done as orders depict. I do have many of these parts currently in stock which is why some orders may not take as long as others. However photo-etching parts can take up to 4 weeks and investment cast up to 6 weeks to get them made. By having advance orders I can plan the production of these parts to be able to fill orders in the two month time frame.

Anyone concerned about the status of their current orders should e-mail me and I will try to give you an estimated delivery of your order. Please state your full name in e-mail as I am not able to track your order easily with just a first name and e-mail address.

I have had several request about the status of the Tiger 1 and Panther late cupolas, at this time I am unable to work on the masters and do not have a potential release date. The same goes for all other new parts I plan to produce.

As a picture is worth a thousand words, here are a few shots of current orders and parts in production. From these pictures I hope you will understand my current work load.
I have 6 sets of Tiger 1 Stowage Bin parts in stock availble for order as assembled or kits.
One set of Panther Tools and Accessories available for order.
Panther Grill parts in stock available for order, Assembled or kit.
Panther SD Antenna parts in stock. Assembled only.
Tiger 1 grill parts in stock. Assembled or kit.


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