6th Scale Icons Reorganization and White Metal Casting

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Mike Stannard (toyrific)

6th Scale Icons Reorganization and White Metal Casting

Post by Mike Stannard (toyrific) »

Hi Guys

Having completed phase one of my reorganization, myself and my helper have been casting white metal parts for the last few days to fill current orders and restock bins. We have cast over 1600 parts of which about 70% are required to fill orders. We have not completed the casting yet, as I still have to make molds for the redesigned 20 ton jack brackets and the blow torch and heater cover.

We ran out of white metal today, 72 lbs used and I ordered another 30 lbs today which will be delivered tomorrow to continue casting. I hope to make the final molds over the weekend.

The castings pictured used 25 molds and 72 lbs of metal.








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