Tiger-Panther 20 Ton Jack. Lots of pictures and reading.

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Mike Stannard (toyrific)

Tiger-Panther 20 Ton Jack. Lots of pictures and reading.

Post by Mike Stannard (toyrific) »

Hi Guys

At last I have finished the design and made molds for the 20 Ton Jacks. This was a major task as there are several variations to be covered. Basically there is one major design which came as long and short versions.

The long version was on Tigers 1 and 2, and also on early Panthers Ausf D and Early A, it was mounted horizontally at the bottom of the engine starter plate. The short version was mounted vertically between the exhausts. I have found no reference to the short version being on any Tiger's, but in war anything is possible.

I have added more detail than originally planned as I felt it was needed and improved the overall design for ease of assembly. Some of the original castings I made did not fit as I had hoped, it was not until I assembled the first one that I found this out. I have modified the cast parts to fit, but now I will have to make new molds for those parts. These parts are explained later in the post.

There are three main versions on the jack with a combination of length, base feet and crank handles. Other parts that vary are the position and quantity of the carrying handles, the top lift plate and the way the crank handle was attached. To minimize production I have only made one type of the top lift plate and one method of attaching the crank handle.

Here is a comparison picture of the two versions I have made.


This is a picture of the two types of base foot.


My design for the working gearing.


Both short and long jacks with lift extended.


Here is the Tiger 1 20 Ton Long Jack and mounting brackets. Here I had a problem with mounting brackets, I had made only one master assuming they were both the same, However when I tried to fit the jack in them the right side would not fit due to the extra width of the lifting foot (L shaped). On checking period pictures I found that the right side bracket had smaller positioning blocks. I machined one of the brackets to fit, this will have to be a new casting. The crank handle on this jack was adjustable and may or may not have had a folding handle, I have made this one rigid.




The Tiger 2 20 Ton Long Jack and mounting brackets. Here again I had a problem with the mounting brackets, the jack fits fine, but when attached to the bulkhead the brackets are to short to allow the jacket to ride over the engine starter plate. So here again I will have to make new longer masters to rectify this. I need the help of someone to measure the thickness of the Armortek starter plate so I can get brackets right. The crank handle on this jack had a folding handle on a rigid or adjustable crank, I have made the rigid type with folding handle.




The Panther 20 Ton Short Jack. This jack appears to have had both the rigid and folding crank handles. I have made this one a rigid handle as this is the way it appears in the vertical position. At this time I have not made the brackets for the horizontal positioned long jack as I feel there is no demand for them.



All jacks are available assembled or in kit form. Below are pictures of what comes with the kits and current prices of each. Pictures of jacks with a resin cast body show the master, I still have to make the casting mold for the resin body, all other parts will be metal as shown.

TT49-01F Tiger 1 20 Ton Long Jack Functional w/working brackets and clamp Assembled $300.00
TT49-01FK Tiger 1 20 Ton Long Jack Functional w/working brackets and clamp as a kit $180.00


TT49-01S Tiger 1 20 Ton Long Jack Static w/working brackets and clamp Assembled $225.00
TT49-01SK Tiger 1 20 Ton Long Jack Static w/working brackets and clamp as a kit $135.00


TT49-01R Tiger 1 20 Ton Long Jack Resin cast w/working brackets and clamp Assembled $120.00
TT49-01RK Tiger 1 20 Ton Long Jack Resin cast body w/working brackets and clamp as a kit $75.00


TT49-02F Tiger 2 20 Ton Long Jack Functional w/working brackets Assembled $290.00
TT49-02FK Tiger 2 20 Ton Long Jack Functional w/working brackets as a kit $170.00


TT49-02S Tiger 2 20 Ton Long Jack Static w/working brackets Assembled $200.00
TT49-02SK Tiger 2 20 Ton Long Jack Static w/working brackets as a kit $125.00


TT49-02R Tiger 2 20 Ton Long Jack Resin cast body w/working brackets Assembled $110.00
TT49-02RK Tiger 2 20 Ton Long Jack Resin cast body w/working brackets as a kit $65.00


Pan20-02VF Panther 20 Ton Short Jack Functional w/vertical working brackets Assembled $295.00
Pan20-02VFK Panther 20 Ton Short Jack Functional w/vertical working brackets as a kit $165.00


Pan20-02VS Panther 20 Ton Short Jack Static w/vertical working brackets Assembled $205.00
Pan20-02VSK Panther 20 Ton Short Jack Static w/vertical working brackets as a kit $120.00


Pan20-02VR Panther 20 Ton Short Jack Resin cast w/vertical working brackets Assembled $125.00
Pan20-02VRK Panther 20 Ton Short Jack Resin cast body w/vertical working brackets as a kit $85.00


I have also made the brackets for the early Sturmtiger 20 ton jack, but no time to at the moment to work on them. The later Sturmtigers had the same fittings as the Tiger 1.

With having to make new molds for some parts, I see the jacks not being available for delivery for 4 to 6 weeks. It will help me a lot if I can get some idea of how many of each type I need to fill orders. If you would like to order a jack or two now, send only a 25% deposit for orders of $200 or more and a 50% deposit if less than $200 with the balance due when ready to ship. All deposits are refundable if you change your mind.

This project has taken me 10 months to complete, I apologize to those that ordered them when first announced, you have top priority to receive the first jacks off the production line.


Mike Stannard (toyrific)

Re: Tiger-Panther 20 Ton Jack. Lots of pictures and reading.

Post by Mike Stannard (toyrific) »

Hi Guys

Here is the Sturmtiger 20 Ton Jack setup, this style of mounting brackets was used on the Sturmtiger until Dec 1944. From then on the reguler Tiger 1 brackets were used according to my references.

Sturmtiger 20 Ton Jack and Brackets (Early Type)




TT49-03F Sturmtiger 20 Ton Long Jack Functional w/working brackets Assembled $290.00
TT49-03FK Sturmtiger 20 Ton Long Jack Functional w/working brackets as a kit $170.00


TT49-03S Sturmtiger 20Ton Long Jack Static w/working brackets Assembled $200.00
TT49-03SK Sturmtiger 20 Ton Long Jack Static w/working brackets as a kit $125.00


TT49-03R Sturmtiger 20 Ton Long Jack Resin cast body w/working brackets Assembled $110.00
TT49-03RK Sturmtiger 20 Ton Long Jack Resin cast body w/working brackets as a kit $65.00



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