Not Exactly Buildng Weather

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Allan Richards
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Not Exactly Buildng Weather

Post by Allan Richards »

Dear me what is happening with the weather lately. Today I had some time to get at the Sherman again but it was freezing, deep snow, horrible and wet in the garage, so I stuck it for an hour or so. I couldn't do any painting and everything was so cold it was like midwinter!! I cannot remember such a heavy snow fall so late in the year in the south east.

I had to give in and ended up watching the F1 Grand Pirx, but even as a racing fan I've found that F1 has really lost its sparkle with the same cars/teams winning race after race. Today the the winning red car lead from flag to flag.
Allan Richards

Robin Ellis
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Post by Robin Ellis »

Allan, try watching World Superbikes or Moto GP, far more exciting than the boring FI!

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Post by leesellars »

Hello Robin

Dont let Chris Fry hear you say That He works for Honda F1 8)

Dont hit me so early in the morning with those negative waves.
Listen carefully i shall say this only once.
If its not broke dont fix it.
Ich Hatt Einen Kameraden

Allan Richards
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Post by Allan Richards »


I do watch the bike racing and I realy enjoy it when there is a nip and tuck fight for the lead. That is what I'd like F1 to achieve, real wheel to wheel racing but the aerodynamics prevent this. Even the fastest cars are severely hampered when in the pack and they cannot get past cars that are a second a lap slower. I suspect it is pressure from certain bodies and politics that is stopping the rule changes to make it a truely more even event. All this engines having to last two meetings with rev limiters and gearboxes having to last several races is nonsence to me.


Perhaps Chris could comment but my view is that a team with the might of Honda behind them should be consistently better than they are. They have improved alot this year but last year's carbon nuetral approach was dismal.
Allan Richards

chris fry
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Post by chris fry »

hello Allan,
i could sense i was going to get pulled in to this topic, firstly the rules are changing next year to reduce all the aero tweaks so it should make for much closer racing, second on the engines and gearboxes lasting several races that was brought out to stem the costs, if you knew what these items cost you would appreciate not having to design and build new units for every race, thirdly your right that Honda should be much more competitive than they are, having well over 1500 people working on the f1 project i suppose it was down to leadership and having the right people designing the cars, but if you look at the history of other teams you will see they have had several years of poor results, are time will come??,
anyway i watch the bikes racing and its the same teams out in front and they will always be closer racing because of there size. right i have said enough, this forum is for the peaceful art of model tank building.
many thanks, Chris.

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Post by leesellars »

Hello Chris

And F1 :wink:

Dont hit me so early in the morning with those negative waves.
Listen carefully i shall say this only once.
If its not broke dont fix it.
Ich Hatt Einen Kameraden

Richie Wignall

Post by Richie Wignall »

hi allan
have a look at the drag raceing,nice and better still is truck raceing, plenty of bumping and crashes :P ace :wink:

you think its cold down their , you want to come up here :( wifes going shopping so the tank will be in the kichen on a sheet and mdf :lol: :lol: i like to see her move the tiger :twisted: :twisted:

richie :wink:

Allan Richards
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Post by Allan Richards »


Yep another freezing grey day down south, but I have done some building if you look at the pics in the Sherman section. I'm also doing the turret hatch and making it look a little more scale. Dare I say to Mark that the challenge is to get as much scale detail as possible into the new models, but obviously not pushing the price up. About 80% of this forum is about adding detail, and about 80% of the news lately is about the slumping economy.

What are you doing to the Tiger?

I was watching the drag racing at Las Vegas on TV last Thursday, very good and close and it would be nice to get some of that weather. I'm not sure about truck racing, I watched some but it doesn't really float my boat. Next week I'm in north Devon on a clay shooting holiday, this time last year it was like mid summer down there, but unless things improve drastically I'l be packing my winter woolies and wet weather gear.
Allan Richards

Richie Wignall

Post by Richie Wignall »

hi allan

just tinkering :lol: was,nt happy with the tracks keep comeing off :shock: but as you said , probley the stones :twisted: detail, now i have finished the inside and now well happy with it, after 2 rewires :P i will now start on the out side, i think some of mikes nice parts ect will do for a start :P .

truck raceing 8) i lovde it :P probley because i drive one, my 2nd man says i am mad :twisted: :wink:
shermans comeing on well :wink: i waiting for the kt :roll: hope fully soon, i hope, or it will be the one like antonys :roll:

richie :wink:

Allan Richards
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Post by Allan Richards »


Two re-wires!! You've put a lot of work into the Tiger, although I must admit that my Tiger probably has more wiring in it than an actual one. Because of my moaning about the weather yesterday that yellow ball thing appeared in the sky for a couple of hours this afternoon - forgotton what its called now!! I took my Tiger out for a run aroud the back of the house and it went ok except for a small electrical short where a couple of wires have chaffed where they go up to the turret, so I added some looming tape around the wires to cure the problem. Always something to do!!

I like trucks also, the bigger the better and I built the 1/16th scale Diamond T R/C truck model. I was fascinated by that Ice road truckers programme recently and do like looking at the yank trucks when I'm over there on business.

Allan Richards

Richie Wignall

Post by Richie Wignall »

hi allan,

ice road truckers, they earn every penny they get, their lifes are hanging on a thread :shock: you would never think it could be done, ace programme.

the wireing in the tiger, its amazing how much wire you can lose, when you start adding over stuff,and the small spiral tidy from maplins make it all neat and tidy :)
nice truck :wink:


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