Tank car ramps

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Dale jordan
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Tank car ramps

Post by Dale jordan »

I thought I would post a photo of my new ramps that I brought today . they will hold 200. KG each . They are light and fold in half . Price is pretty good $ 149.00 Aus dollars each . This way I can unload my tiger and sherman form my trolly and then into my ute.


Dale jordan
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Post by Dale jordan »

Any Aussie owners reading this you can get them from supercheap. Dale


Tim Bowman
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Post by Tim Bowman »

Hi Dale

It's nice to see a good photo of that style of ramp. They were on my "must get" list but I was having a hard time on deciding which type.
you just pretty much settled it. :D

Thanks again

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Dale jordan
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Post by Dale jordan »

Hello Tim ... In the next couple of days I will give them a test with my Tiger . The angle looks good , they are strong and the grip looks right . They are ... 1795mm long , 293mm wide and 60mm thick . The side lip from the tread up is 15mm ..So nothing should snag on it . Dale

Nigel Allen
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Post by Nigel Allen »



You could buy one Scaffolding board at £9.00 and cut it in half :lol: . Works great for getting all my kits in and out of the car.


Dale jordan
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Post by Dale jordan »

Today , I tested my new ramps with my tiger . Everything went well . They are very strong . I could stand on the ramps at the same time as my tiger climped up the ramps into my ute with ease . No slipping of the tracks at all . It's a nice feeling having the 15mm edge on the ramp So my tiger will not slip off. They are exspensive !! . Because I have spent $ 10.000.00 Aus Dollars on my machine . The last thing I need is for it to fall off .. Dale

Michael McGaren
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Post by Michael McGaren »


Those ramps look great. I can't tell from the picture of the box, can you tell me who makes those and if they are available here in the USA?


Roland Wallick
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Post by Roland Wallick »

Mike there are all kinds of ramps like those here in the US.
Here is one place, http://www.discountramps.com/
but you can find others all over the place.
Sporting goods ATV stores ect
If your not living on the edge, your taking up to much space.

Rick Jensen
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Post by Rick Jensen »

:lol: Hi Dale just saw your ramps in the photo they are perfect for when I come up to see you with my two tanks for the tankfest I'm planning in the spring. I also checked on more photos of the Tiger suspension inner details. I will send those up to you on email.

Richie Wignall


Post by Richie Wignall »

Hi Guys
these are what I use. Scaffolding boards with rubber grips attached. Also came across some pads - 30 in a pack. 7 inch by 7 inch by 10 mm.
I will also attach a picture of these as well. Not sure what these are used for, I am going to try these to see how good they are.



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Paul Wills
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Post by Paul Wills »

Hi Richie,

I know what they are for; I have put thousands of them in mile after mile!!! They are rubber rail seating pads for F27 concrete sleepers, with 113A rail. They are designed to act as a shock absorber between the rail and the concrete sleeper as the weight of the train passes over, and in heavy traffic areas they will last 10 years, so they will last you a life time for what you want them for :roll: .

Just hope they didn't come from one of my depots!! :shock: :lol: :lol:

Paul :wink: .

Richie Wignall

Post by Richie Wignall »

Hi paul
Oops! :oops:
We came across these, six packs at the bottom of a train embankment. Didn't have a clue what they were for. But now i do i think its safer to take them back!! :cry: I don't want Richard Branson on my back!! :shock: :( :shock: :(
What do you think?
:roll: under tracks ? thats what I was planning to use them for, but under my tiger tracks, but now I'm definately changing my mind.
P.S. hope your keeping okay.when you in preston again? will meet up for that pint, lost your number, as my internet went down, and couldnt log in to the forum, and Gill had to delete my old account, and start with a new account, so I have lost all the info that i had.

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Paul Wills
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Post by Paul Wills »

Hi Richie,

I wouldn’t worry too much, just delete the photo :lol: . There are thousands of contractors out there who have these; I saw four of them under the feet of a compressor in my local garage the other week. As for Mr Branson, well, enough said there I think :oops: !! We were supposed to be having what we like to call a Management cascade (P*** up) :wink: this Friday in Preston, but this time was to be a celebratory drink, however that will have to wait until June now!! So I will let you know on that one mate.

Paul :wink: .

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