M4A3 Sherman recoil & muzzle flash system

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Adrian Harris
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M4A3 Sherman recoil & muzzle flash system

Post by Adrian Harris »

I've been (slowly) working on a retro-fit muzzle flash and barrel recoil system for the original Sherman kits.

The mechanics and electronics seem to be working out OK, but it struck me along the way that the original Sherman sound system didn't include a main gun firing sound, so that would need to be added somehow as well.

With a Benedini system installed, I can use the same components as the Firefly system but with the original sound system, it will be quite a bit more involved.

So, what I would be interested to know is:

1) Would you be interested in a recoil/flash system for your M4A3 Sherman ?

2) Do you run your Sherman with:
a) No sound system
b) The original Armortek black box sound system
c) A Benedini TBS5 based sound system
d) Something else ...

Just to reiterate, this is for the old M4A3 kit, not the new Firefly.

For kit owners who read the forum but aren't members, you can also reach me at saracen @ cix.co.uk

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Robert E Morey
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Post by Robert E Morey »

Hi Adrian,
I have an M4A3. I would be interested to see what you come up with for recoil and flash. I think upgrading the elevation mechanism from gear/rack to jack screw (like Panther) is worthwile upgrade as well.

Best regards,

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Adrian Harris
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Post by Adrian Harris »

Yay - a nibble :lol:

I was beginning to think I was the only one with an old Sherman left here :shock:

Many moons ago I managed to persuade Gill to give me a variety of elevation arms, links etc, to investigate changing the Sherman system to something along the lines of the more recent kits but I have to admit I haven't spent much time looking into to it.

Now I have a spare Sherman turret, I may be able to see if it is possible to combine a screw thread elevation system with the recoil system, in the same way that I have with the Panzer III.

Work and family aren't leaving me a whole lot of time but do I hope to have a working Sherman system by the end of the month.

Have you upgraded your Sherman sound system ?

Contact me at sales@armortekaddict.uk for details of my smoker fan control module

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