First impressions of the M2 halftrack

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Tony Read
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First impressions of the M2 halftrack

Post by Tony Read »

:D What a fantastic display of Armortek models there was at Stoneleigh, a credit to Armortek and to the various owners who brought their models along. The pièce de résistance for me was, of course, the M2 halftrack. My first impressions were WOW!!! It sat there all shiny and new, Mark started her up for me and she burst into live with the unmistakeable burble of the White engine. This beast, for it is quite large, looks like a halftrack, sounds like a halftrack and as I discovered later steers just like a halftrack (you try getting my M3 out of my barn!). It is a first class model well up to Armortek's standards.

Now, unless you have developed a shrinking ray gun, no model is 100% correct in every detail. You have to compromise between authenticity and cost. Having cast my eye over the M2 here are my thoughts on where you will need to add some extra detail. Please note however that Dave Dibbs/Armorpax are producing some of these parts, but not possibly all at the moment. An opening there for Mike Stannard perhaps?

The first thing I noticed is that the armour is not quite scale thickness. I don’t know what gauge Armortek have used, but to be to scale the windscreen armour should be 2mm thick and the rest 1mm. A simple fix would be to glue plasticard to one face to bring it up to the correct thickness. When it is painted you will never know. Those of you who need to keep everything metal may have to fabricate new. Please bear in mind however that weight is a problem as the battery size you can use is limited. More weight means less running time, probably a good reason why Armortek have kept the initial weight down.

The floors/running boards are smooth metal. These should be fabricated from chequer-plate, using the originals as patterns.

There are no instrument gauges, switches or data plates. I can take close-up digital images of mine to help you replicate these.

There are no gear change/transmission leavers or foot pedals.

The front seats need to be fabricated. The two outer ones need to be folding and the middle one for the M3 needs to be tipping.

The gusset reinforcing plates and rivets are missing from the join between the chassis and the bumper.

I can’t remember if a tow hitch was fitted.

The M2 requires tripod brackets on the rear armour.

Can’t fully remember but there did not appear to be enough bolts in the armour.

The bonnet catches and grab handles are missing.

There was no skate rail (M2 only).

Some of the door fittings are missing.

Filler caps & fuel lines need to be added to the fuel tanks.

Grab rails need to be added along the bottom edge of the front & rear seats.

Adding the above will give you a pretty damn accurate halftrack. If you need detail shots/measurements of these parts just let me know.

Has any of the above put me off buying the model? Not on your life!!! Like all these models adding extra detail makes it yours. Mind you, if your making a part make one for me! I can butcher a bit of metal and blow holes with the welder as well as anyone, but making a small detail piece that looks like it should, no way!!!
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Post by Armortek »


Thank you for your comments and for your expert evaluation of the model. I was lucky enough to talk to to four different owners and gained a lot of extra information. Your observations are top notch. I will just clarify a couple of things if I may.

On the production kits, the windscreen armour is 2mm and all the rest is 1mm. It tends to look a little thinner because of the laser cut edges which give a very small radius. Foot pedals and tow hitch are included in the kit. The rest of the door fittings are supplied, but I did not have time to fit them before the show. You are just about spot on with everything else. Dave Dibb is doing the skate rail along with all the skates and various armament. We have thrown a lot of extra screws into the kit set, so you can add fasteners to your hearts content.

We are thinking of offering parts to make up an ammunition trailer, if there is any interest. This would provide an ideal location for some extra battery capacity.


Tony Read
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Post by Tony Read »

:) Hi Mark, I’m glad you think my review was fair. I was worried that it might come across as a bit negative. That was not the intention. I was just pointing out where owners could improve the breed if they wished. Even if they left it ‘stock’ it is still a very nice model and very reasonably priced. I’m glad that there is such an interest in aftermarket parts for the halftrack, a bit different to the Sherman! I know Dave is very busy on the Maxson mount, could Mike Stannard come in and produce some of the other parts? Also a pulpit mount for the M2A1 & M3A1 would be right up his street (hint, hint!).

As for the trailer that would be an excellent idea, especially for the M16 builders. This would look so cool and give extra battery space. I have a restored M10 ammunition trailer should anyone wish to measure it up.
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Dave Dibb (Armorpax)
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Post by Dave Dibb (Armorpax) »

Hi Tony,

M49 ring mount and bonnet catches are on the list, full door furniture is already included in the production kits with armoured headlights, brush guards, tail lights and tools. Tie downs (grab handles), jerrycan holders and a skate rail section are already made as are a number of other parts, I am in the process of updating the website and will be providing Gill with a full list of the parts we are doing specific to the halftrack in the next week or so. I spoke to Fabrice at Ally Pally and may also reproduce his excellent rendition of the tow hitch.

With time constraints it is likely to be a considerable while before I could consider front seats, dials, gear shifts, chequer-plate, switches or data plates. tripod brackets on the rear armour and filler caps. Does anyone else fancies having a crack at these?

Best regards


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Tony Read
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Post by Tony Read »


If I had a talent like yours I would jump in, no hesitation. Unfortunately whilst I get by with the big stuff, I can't cut the commercial mustard with the small. What I can do, however, is to provide copious amounts of photographs, measurements and drawings to anyone interested. There are some fantastic modellers out there who would do a superb job, so go on, give it a go and make a lot of halftrack owners happy bunnies! I’ll even let you drive the 1:1 version, if that don’t get your juices flowing nothing will!!! :wink:
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Mike Stannard (toyrific)

Post by Mike Stannard (toyrific) »

Hi Guys

As I am sure many of you know I already make three types of decking. Deck Type 2 is the correct pattern for the M series half track, however the one I offer is the Axis version. I did offer the allied version when I first made these but there was very little interest at the time as the Armortek M2/3/16 had not been made at that time. I can easily produce the allied version and have it available in about 4 to 6 weeks. The retail cost would be $60.00 per sheet 12" x 6". Some may ask if I could make it as per the panels fitted in the half track, the answer is yes, but the cost would be be almost doubled. The reason for this is the current way I have the decking made is only etched on one side and then the sheets are cut to 12" x 6". To actually have the sheets etched in set sizes to fit the half track would mean etching from both sides. If someone can give me the dimensions of each panel required to complete the decking in a half track I can price it out.

For me to have this decking made I would need firm orders for around 20 sheets of 12" x 6" or equivalent in other sizes.

As for the other parts that Dave Dibb is not making, I can look at these, but I have a lot going on at the moment and do not have time to research them. If someone can send me pictures and scaled drawings I will see what I can come up with. Dave if you read this please let me know what you have plans to do, no point in duplicate products.

Deck type patterns

Deck Type 1

Deck Type 2

Deck Type 3

Deck Type 4 This is a brass sample, actual decking would be in nickel silver which gives the aluminum look finish.

E-mail, PM me or post interest here.


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Post by Adrian Harris »

Mike, definitely an interested party here.

If you went down the ready cut route, I would imagine each variant would require some standard parts (cab?) and some specific parts (rear floor).
It would be ideal if you could offer a pack for each variant. That way, the owners of M2s could simply order an M2 pack etc.

For the standard sheets, it would be extremely handy to know how many 12"x6" sheets would be required to upgrade each model of vehicle.

Absolute perfection would be a cutting template :wink: :lol: :wink:


Tony Read
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Post by Tony Read »

Hi Mike,

Checked both my M3 and M3A1 floors. The deck type 2 is not quite right if you want to be 100%.

This is the running board pattern:


This is the floor - very slight difference to the above - probably different tooling.


This is the rear floor of the M3A1 - has two floor bins, could do with a bit of a clean!


This is the rear floor of the M3 - same as the M3A1 really.


This is the front commanders side of the M3 - the red thing is my battery cut off switch for safety.


This is the centre section. As far as I can tell there are no differences between the front floors of the M2 and the M3. The only change you will find on the halftrack is the extra lever for the winch.


:D I would be more than happy with deck type 2 if that were the only option. :D

Mike, I can give you exact measurements for the different panels on the rear of the M3/M3A1, plus the cab area which is generic to the White anyway. You would need to compare them with the Ateck dims to make sure that they fit. Let me know and I will-do.

Personally I would like to see halftrack floor sets ready to install.
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Tony Read
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Post by Tony Read »


I've changed my mind :roll: Deck Type 4 is the one that I would like to go for, at 1/6 scale close enough for me and I would expect most people too!



Cheers all!
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Mike Stannard (toyrific)

Post by Mike Stannard (toyrific) »

The two designs on the running board and the interior plate are likely due to the interior being orignal as it shows a lot of wear and the running board being a modern replacement as it has no visable wear. This is the first time I have seen a closeup of the pattern and I can produce this without a problem. I would use the picture of the interior floor as a pattern.
I only have one referance book on the half track and no scaled drawing of the basic troop carrier. To get good estimate on how many sheets would be required to complete the flooring, running board and other bits I would need a good scaled drawing to work from. Can someone send me one. As an estimate I think it will require at least 3 sheets of 6" x 12".

To actually make all the parts to fit the Armortek Half Track I would need access to one or someone that can assist with measurements. To simply scale down from a 1-1 size or scale up from a 1-35 may not work.

If I was to produce fitted parts they could also include all lift holes and bolt holes.


Tony Read
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Post by Tony Read »

Mike, The running board is 100% original - I recently spent many hours stripping it down and repainting - awfully slow job without a sand blaster! However, I agree with you - reproduce the internal floor pattern as this will be by far the larger area required. I'll let you know how many of the lozenges (?) there are per inch.

I'll also measure up each floor panel and give you a drawing with photographs.

Can someone please measure their model and give Mike the information he needs to scale-down my patterns? Together we can crack this!!! :D
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Tony Read
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Post by Tony Read »


I've measured my M3/M3A1 floor and drawn it up using MS Word (I don't have a CAD package). The front section will also apply to all White/Autocar/Diamond T series halftracks. I'll email it to you. Any queries just ask!
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