Cedric's panther build

Forum for discussion relating to the Panther
cedric meyer
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Cedric's panther build

Post by cedric meyer »

Hi, my name is cedric, i'm french, please forgive my bad english and my clumsy expressions... I bought the very last panther few weeks ago, and last week, i started to assemble parts together and...till now nothing really fits!
After few hours spent (adjusting, filing etc...) on the forward part of the hull, things are going better, glacis plate and lower front can come together in harmony with the hull sides... :wink:
The pannier floors are my probleme. I'm for sure wrong and that's the reason why i ask for help.
1/ the holes of the (left) pannier side (CH0108) are not at all in front of the holes on the (CH0107) pannier floor'slope. :shock:
2/On the pannier floors(CH0107), where the slope start and finish, there is a big gap!! :?
3/ The (CH0105) rear plate's edge slope (on both sides) seams to not fit with the angle the pannier side (CH0108) would need to go into the glacis!! :shock:
4/Then of course the deck can't fit!!
My questions are maybe naive but before going further in modifications, i would like to know your opinion. Thank you all...
Last edited by cedric meyer on Tue Feb 10, 2009 6:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tim Bowman
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Post by Tim Bowman »


Bienvenue au forum. Vous n'avez pas besoin de faire des excuses pour votre anglais. My French on the other hand :oops: haha

It's great to see another Panther going together. When first assembling the main components of the hull, turret etc. it's important to leave everything loose until all fasteners are positioned and started(but not tightened). Once everything is started, then begin tightening each a little at a time, slowly pulling the parts together.

There is a gap or hole at each end of the pannier where the angle/fold that the side armor attaches to starts and ends. I filled mine later with Epoxy Sculpt.

you'll find that when you start tightening the fasteners, everything will come together nicely. Hope this helped.

Bonne chance avec la construction

Kind regards

"So long as one isn't carrying one's head under one's arm, things aren't too bad." – Erwin Rommel

cedric meyer
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Post by cedric meyer »

Merci Tim pour ces précieux conseils... Et très bien pour votre français... Je vais continuer la construction dans cette direction.


Yves Maurice
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Post by Yves Maurice »

Bonjour Cédric!
Content de voir un autre français acquérir un char armortek !!
Je ne possède pas de panther mais d' autres kits ( je travaille en ce moment sur le 222 ) aussi si je peux vous aider, n' hésitez pas à me contacter...
Dans quelle région habitez vous?
bon courage!
Yves :lol:

Kent Wiik

Post by Kent Wiik »

Gentlemen please.

Keep this forum an English spoken one please!
What if Björn, Stefan and I began write here in Swedish? :shock:

Last edited by Kent Wiik on Mon Feb 25, 2008 9:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

cedric meyer
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Post by cedric meyer »

Sorry, you're right, we should speak english... Yves, i PM you.

Yves Maurice
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Post by Yves Maurice »

Sorry but I 'm a little disagree with you...I ' ve just asked to Cedric he is welcome and where he live , THAT'S ALL!!!
My goal is not to write in french anymore but I do not see where is the problem to write some words in your former langage for something whitout interest to the other members !!
You have certainly a perfect english , sorry , me NOT!!
And to close the subject because this forum is not the right place to debate about that, you can speak Swedish with Bjorn time to time , this fact absolutly not hurt me , you know!.. :lol:
Gentlman , be a little tolerant please !!!
And just for you , Kent , passez une très bonne journée!!!! ( Have a very nice day in english)!!! :D :D :D

cedric meyer
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scale deck

Post by cedric meyer »

hi everybody, i noticed that the real Panther G hull roof is in three sections. From the rear, the first section ends about at the middle of the turret center line, the next section ends at the leading edge of hatches surround. The next small section goes then to the glacis.
My deck (panther realease N2) is in one part and, on steve norris pictures for exemple, i can see that this last section, after hatches, is there? Is it a personal modification? Is bacth N1 is different in some points?


Tim Bowman
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Post by Tim Bowman »

Hi cedric

You are correct. Three main sections and separate panels over the engine compartments, etc.

All kits are one piece. Steve and others have done very nice modifications to the deck, adding the panel lines, welds and recessed bolts around the engine hatch. Others, on their Tigers have made completely new decks. I hope to do this in the future on my Panther.


"So long as one isn't carrying one's head under one's arm, things aren't too bad." – Erwin Rommel

cedric meyer
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Post by cedric meyer »

Thank you for that answer, it's what i thought... And the good thing is that you answered at the same time to another question i was about asking, the bolts around the engine deck... Thank you for that. So, i think i have some more work to come....
If anywone has advises, they are welcome...


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Parcel from me

Post by Robert E Morey »

Sorry to post here, but perhaps you are monitoring this forum link. I didn't get a response via private message. Did you get the parcel I sent you? Thanks, :?:

cedric meyer
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Post by cedric meyer »

Yes i did Bob, just coming back from HK this morning...


cedric meyer
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modified deck

Post by cedric meyer »

I'm still struggleling to assemble the hull together...but meanwile i wait some parts, have a look at my modified deck...


cedric meyer
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and the hull...

Post by cedric meyer »



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Post by leesellars »

Hello Cedric

The hull and turret are a bit of a jigsaw puzzel but the do go together.You souldnt have to cut and file parts. If the holes dont line up its not square.There will be a bit of final fileing to get things spot on for those who want accuarcy but you will be filling in some sections .The thing is put all the bolts in and the slowly tighten up it will all come together.Im on my 4th Panther and they all have gone together the same.

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If its not broke dont fix it.
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