
Forum for discussion relating to the Comet
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Nick Farrugia
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Post by Nick Farrugia »

Hi mick
your crew look great ,especialy like the driver with his goggles on well done .They look like their ready for there victory parade.
great pictures good to see them
best wishes

robert michael hilton
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Post by robert michael hilton »

Thanks for your comments you may be aware I am following the Comet IRON DUKE 1V, as most of my book photo's etc, have reference to this tank. It was also made easy for my first Armortek model by not having add-ons and operational/battle scars. I very little experience with weathering, which is an art in itself. That said, I have enjoyed every moment of the build. All being well over next Autumn/Winter I will add welds and other details.

Now, question time, I have been searching on the Forum for information on a product to cover my 'decals' once applied, in order to protect them. I have used an acrylic type aerosol paint, made up by the local Car Parts dealer.So my best guess is the varnish the car guys use.....yes/no??? What do the lads who 'weather' use, as a finish???

Thanks for the PM Phil.....Mick

phil fitzpatrick
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Decal coating

Post by phil fitzpatrick »

Hi Mick
If you remember that one dvd armor paint finishing,the guy used "Kleer"
Its a Johnson clear floor polish that sets hard and you can still paint
over it.
Easilly Air brushes or by thin coat with soft brush
I used that on my Panzer 111L and it worked Ok.
I havent done my Comet yet,but to make sure with the decals I am going to
do a trial with one of my spare numbers on a bit of painted scrap metal.
But I think others have used it before with success.

Stephen White
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Post by Stephen White »


Great choice of model, lovely job. You asked about a protective sealer. Citadel (aka Games Workshop) do a very good satin spray which I've used with great success. It covers well, dries quicky and gives a good satin finish. Links here: ... rod1620041

I've been following your build (and Phil's) with great interest and can't wait to get started, if only I could finish the Pz III.

It became very fashionable to put the beret badge over the centre of the forehead but for the Berlin Parade, maybe the RSM would have got a grip and had people adjust their headgear with the badge over the left eye? Mind you, no-one could see what the driver got up to.

One other thought, in the nit picking category. The inner surfaces of the hatches were supposed to be painted with the external colour so they didn't stand out. But on the other hand, for a bull**** parade, the silver paint might have been out in force.



The flag on the left is the RTC Cambrai flag, which was carried by RTR regiments on the first Allied vehicles across the Rhine in both World Wars.

Great model, thanks for sharing.



phil fitzpatrick
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Birlin Parade

Post by phil fitzpatrick »

Great Photo's of the Comets on Parade Stephen, I think the row of Guns
is more inline than the troops,excelent.
Your Panzer111 is already a master piece of craftmanship,love the finish
to the hull,I visit it regularly,and looking forward to following your Comet
Get that crew sorted out Mick if you want to be in the parade line up,or
you will be in the glass house or on janckers. :lol:

robert michael hilton
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Post by robert michael hilton »

Thanks for all your replies....Stephen, do you know... I thought long and hard about the cap badges. These little points stick in your mind when you have been in the Services....and I could not decide on the cap badge. I do remember soaking my beret in water and wearing it wet to get the tight fit and shape. I will drag some old army photo's out.

Thanks for the advice on the decals. I have read somewhere that the inner side of the hatches where painted the same colour as the main tank body to avoid being seen as a target point. the Cambrai Flag, the brown/red/green, or is that the Regimental Flag???

Phil, I think I will also run a test piece before I cover the decal. The last time I applied decals...the varnish I used to fix them, lifted the transfer...I think they were water slide type. All being well I should have the tracks back on in the next few days. Then begins the task of moving the Comet from dinning table to garage. Between you and I..... I may well delay this move until the weather improves :wink:

Thanks again lads.....mick

robert michael hilton
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Post by robert michael hilton »


robert michael hilton
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Post by robert michael hilton »


phil fitzpatrick
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Post by phil fitzpatrick »

Wow Mick very nice I like your decals,Comet T335104 is looking
really good and getting ready for the parade.
Get that man's bury brushed before he ends up on CO's orders :!:

robert michael hilton
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Post by robert michael hilton »

Thanks for that Phil.

Now....good day/bad day...I am adding the final touches to my IRON DUKE 1V, decals, straps etc,. I purchased the Citadel Purity Seal on Friday, from Games Workshop in Shrewsbury, to seal the decals.
Tried a test spray later on....brilliant ......sprayed a real treat and looked very nice with a satin finish.

So, this morning.... sprayed two sets of decals on the side and rear of the Comet....looking good.
Decided this evening to spray the other side of the turret and decals ....I was feeling a little weary....OMG.....what a mess.
I held the spray button on much to long, with the end result that the Purity Seal ran down the turret side.....sod it.

Two lessons not spray when tired. Do not hold the spray button down to long.

We live and learn....I have to say the Citadel Purity Seal Spray is superb, when applied correctly. I have 'flatted' down the paint on the turret side and when dry re-applied the Olive Drab. The transfers now back on...and ready for the Purity Seal.

I leave the final finish until tomorrow......mick

robert michael hilton
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Post by robert michael hilton »

I have refitted the tank tracks, ready for the grand launch this weekend. The Comet is raised up and resting on my motorcycle all is well. the tank is jacked up....the wheels nearest the front of the tank on both sides are resting against the next wheel along. I will attach a photograph.
I would like to test the 'drive' before I move the tank off the table. There is little room for movement between these wheels, and no space on the table for error. If I get it wrong, the whole tank will end up on the floor. I know I will have to bite the bullet at some point.....I would like to eleminate all the things that can go wrong, if possible.
So, I guess the question is, when I move the TX sticks forward, will the tank wheels jam, or will the tank drive off the table, or hopefully will the track and wheels simply rotate.???....Mick

robert michael hilton
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Post by robert michael hilton »


robert michael hilton
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Post by robert michael hilton »

I've given this problem another coat of looking over....correct me if I am wrong....with the tank jacked up and the TX in 'drive forward' the only two possibilities are.... that the two front tank wheels will jam.... or rotate.....thats right isn't it????......Mick

phil fitzpatrick
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Post by phil fitzpatrick »

Hi Mick
Sorry for delay only just saw your post.
Ive run mine like that on the bentch at full throttle,if you have a look at my photo's the front wheels touch,something to do with the
angle of the track at the front,if you lift up the track with your
hands underneith those wheels you will see they part.
All should be ok when on the deck,the only thing you might have
to do is take a link out if neccessary.
Check Johns and Dennis's photo's when on their jacks they were probably the same.
As long as there is clearance all round the tracks the wheels will just spin even the 2 each side touching

phil fitzpatrick
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Post by phil fitzpatrick »

Hi Mick
I've just had a look at John's and Dennis's photo's and Dennis's 1st
Phot clearly shows the 2 front wheels touching when not under
load,and his Comet runs fine as you have seen.
Like I said mine is still on the blocks and no problems,just whach
out for the deadly dining room table cloth is not too close to the
tracks :shock:

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