Your Build Process?

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Rocky Sembritzky

Your Build Process?

Post by Rocky Sembritzky »

I am curious to know everyones build process.

Do you build the entire tank, suspension, wheels & tracks and then disassemble and paint?


Do you build the basic kit, hull, and disassemble and paint?


Do you do something completely different?


Dave Hill
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Post by Dave Hill »

my intention with mid tiger is to build up so that i can test
the running gear.
that means construct the hull - prime outside. prime inside
paint white inside and then laquer.
assemble the 'road wheels and suspension arms' - prime them
and then camaflague paint.
after testing dissassembl;e suspension and put zimmerit and final
coating on up to deck level. then go to put turret etc on.
test for movement rotation ;elevation
final bit put tools hawsers etc in place.
thats the outline of my plan

so far hull constructed- primed outside and inside painted inside
road wheels and suspension arms all built up and primed then coated with dunkelgelb; the brown and green bits still to do.
one track length nearly constructed.
waiting for the electric kit to appear- to fit motors and then fit the drive sprockets on outside

Tim Bowman
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Post by Tim Bowman »

Hi Rocky

Like Dave, I build and paint as I go. On my most recent projects, I am painting the base coat of dunkelgelb early on in the build. Mostly because I am lazy and once assembled, I do not want to pull it apart to paint again. Wish I had done this on the Tiger 1. :? For that build, I will get the electronics installed next and test run the chassis before the base coat is painted and work on the upper hull and deck begins.

"So long as one isn't carrying one's head under one's arm, things aren't too bad." – Erwin Rommel

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Adrian Harris
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Post by Adrian Harris »

Rocky, I'll be doing the middle of your options, as it's usually the hull, running gear and turret which are the trickiest to get aligned etc.

The sticking point is the motion pack as it's easier if that is installed as part of the initial build, rather than having to tear down the sprockets and final drives later on to fit the motors.

The great thing with these metal tanks is if you find a piece you want to change or enhance, then it's easy to strip the paint back, make the change and then patch up the paint work.

And it still looks prototypical :lol: :lol:


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