Thought some of you might like to see my workshop. It's in a mess at the moment as I have little time to clean and organize.
Work station 1. Parts assembly bench.
Work station 2 and 3. Soldering bench and metal stock area.
Work station 4. Machining benchs. Lathe, drill press, two milling machines, small sander and grinder.
Work station 5. Packaging bench and cable cutting.
Work station 6 and 7. Large bench for projects being worked on. Background, chop saws, metal cutter, metal bender, large drill press, metal brake, horizonel band saw and tubing storage.
Work station 8 and 9. Reisn casting, pressure pots, compessor and vacum pump. Metal casting, spin caster and melting pot. Background, dust extractor, vertical band saw, 12 " and 10" disc sanders, 10 table saw and 8" cross cut saw. Plus and mess of molds and full trash bin.
Parts storage shelves,unfinish cast parts.
Parts storage shelves,package parts. Many bins empty, no time to fill them.
General view of rear of workshop. Large storage shelfs and tank plans.
General view of front of workshop. L shaped table in center left is for current orders being made up.
Here is what the workshop looked like in 2005 one year after I moved in, it has taken me 5 years to build this mess and a lot of work and cash.
This workshop has produced $504,860.00 in parts since Jan 1, 2005, yes I just past my half million dollars in sale this month, thanks to all my loyal customers. Problem is I don't know were it all went.