Suspension is out again for weight purposes as I put the turtle upside down to try some weathering underneath ...
In the meantime, all wheels have gotten its bearings and glued in using Loctite 638. All run smoothly, so no hidden glue inside ... !!
What I am still looking at, is the fixation of the tyres. I still have not found any inlays for the tyres to have more surfaces to be glued on. A 15mm joint sealing tape (by TESA) did not work, I need something firm. Any ideas are more welcome as a few fellows are past this process now I guess ??
The idler wheels and tyres are glued together with Loctite 480 (thanks for the advise in this forum!). If I am not mistaken, this will only separate when using some TNT ...
So, further assembly has to wait until the bottom is properly wheathered and that's not easy as shown on the pictures above ...
Cheers, Andre