On another board there has been a question about the 88 mm wicker containers I produced a prototype for. Having replied to it I thought some of you may also be interested.
It has been a couple of years since I made the prototype and have made no progress since then. There are two reasons, lack of information on the rear side of the container and Dragon producing one which I felt would reduce the number of sales to make it worth my time. If there is enough interest in these being made correctly I might find the time to produce them. I need to sell around 50 of them to cover my time and cost in production. Estimated price $20-$25 each. They will be resin cast with photo-etch brass clamps.
However I do need help, I have several pictures of the real ones that gives me all the detail for all sides except the back. I do not know how the leather or canvas straps were attached. If anyone can find or has a picture showing this I can proceed.
Problems with my prototype. This was made from using scaled drawings before I found the pictures of the real ones. Errors on prototype are explained in picture below.
There were two types of this container, I have listed them as type 1 and type 2. I do not know which was used first, I would assume they both ended up being used at the same time as they were used time and time again when recoverer was possible.
Type 1. Explained in picture below.
Type 2. Explained in picture below.
I will make the type 2 as it has more detail which I know you guys like.
Please e-mail me or post here how many you might consider ordering.