Tiger 1 - (42 - life, the universe, everything.....)

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Tiger 1 - (42 - life, the universe, everything.....)

Post by Chris.Marshall »

So, this is off topic as it’s related to historical and not specifically to Armortek kits, but related to the current Early Tiger 1 release. I have my kit sitting under the bench awaiting the completion of the locomotive before I start on it. I’m taking this time to collect some parts and materials for the build and do a bit of research. The question I have currently is whether to base the vehicle on an actual specific vehicle that was in service or produce a non-specific vehicle. I also had the idea ( being bit of a ‘neat-freak’ ) of producing a factory fresh / pre delivery vehicle prior to receiving divisional markings / identity. Given that I was fortunate to be randomly allocated kit no. 42 was quite bizarre. The reason being that, having a keen interest in Douglas Adams and his Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, the number 42 has significance. The fact that I randomly ended up with no. 42 has to have some kind of meaning :roll: . Anyway, that aside I had a notion to build a vehicle identified as 42. The only early T1 I have found was in fact a VERY early vehicle 142 of the 501st with the second pistol port and no escape hatch, a bit early for our current variant, and I’m not wanting to remanufacture the turret to that extent. So does anyone know of any photographic evidence of any other vehicle in the right age range that was numbered 42? Just curious…..

All the best,

Tiger 1 Early - (Kit42) - Still boxed.

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Re: Tiger 1 - (42 - life, the universe, everything.....)

Post by AlastairCooke »

Hi Chris,
If you mean Fgst.Nr. 250042 then may I suggest the following?
This ‘hull’ number would mean that it was only 11 units after 250031 (Tiger 712 captured in Tunisia in May 1943 and sent to the Aberdeen Proving Ground) and was probably issued to either s.Pz.Abt 502 or s.Pz.Abt. 503. Fgst.Nr. 250039 to 250076 were produced in December 1942; a total of 38 units. s.Pz.Abt 502 received eight vehicles towards the end of that month, whilst the ‘503’ got sixteen of which four (250045, 250046, 250050 and 250065) have been identified. These vehicles arrived before 16 Dec 43 and were formed into two companies with the following identification numbers:
HQ schwere Panzer.Abteilung 503: I,II;
1./schwere Panzer.Abteilung 503: 100, 111, 113, 121, 123,131, 133, 134,141 and 143;
2./schwere Panzer.Abteilung 503: 200, 211, 213, 221, 223,231, 233, 234,241 and 243
My money is on s.Pz.Abt. 503....

Looking forward to your build
Alastair (F01)
Tiger 1 (2015 #01 with 2012 parts)

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Re: Tiger 1 - (42 - life, the universe, everything.....)

Post by AlastairCooke »

Hi Chris,
If you want to retain the escape hatch from the kit then you have the range 250046 (Dec 42) to 50390 (Jul 43). In that range there are:
1./schwere Panzer.Abteilung 504: 142 (same company as Bovington’s Tiger 131)
2./schwere Panzer.Abteilung 504: 242 (sister company to that of Bovington’s Tiger 131)
8./SS-Panzerregiment: 842
If you go with 142 then Tiger 131 might be a good example on which to base your build.

Tiger 1 (2015 #01 with 2012 parts)

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Re: Tiger 1 - (42 - life, the universe, everything.....)

Post by Chris Hall »

I don’t think anyone would see focussed historical research as an off topic issue ……. 🤔

Funny the mention of Aberdeen Proving Ground came up. A lot of that went to Fort Knox, and then to Fort Moore in Georgia.

By coincidence, I’ll be at Fort Moore this weekend for their Open Event ! (well, I had so much fun last year that it would be silly not to 😉). So I’ll have a close look at their Tiger 1 and see if I can prove it to be Fgr x42. If so the camera will be working overtime …..

All the best,

Mark IV (Liesel, Abteilung 14, France 1918)
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Re: Tiger 1 - (42 - life, the universe, everything.....)

Post by Chris.Marshall »

Wow ! Quick..... Thanks all for that, some stuff to dig into and think about..... :D

Tiger 1 Early - (Kit42) - Still boxed.

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Re: Tiger 1 - (42 - life, the universe, everything.....)

Post by Chris.Marshall »

So, I'm going to now look at the 504th a bit closer and look at vehicles 142 and 242. And I also note that in the 503rd that the numbering goes from 141 to 143 and 241 to 243.... What would be the reason for that? Hmm? :-? And is there any photographic evidence of these vehicles anywhere? Most interesting......

All the best,

Tiger 1 Early - (Kit42) - Still boxed.

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Re: Tiger 1 - (42 - life, the universe, everything.....)

Post by AlastairCooke »

Hi Chris
According to Tigers in Combat Vol 1 (my source for the previous posts) when s.Pz.Abt 503 was formed in December 1942, 142 and 242 were Pz IIIs.
This book has only a few images of 504 prior to the re-equipment in February/March 1944 with late model Tiger 1s. The identified vehicles are 131, 222 and 231.

Tiger 1 (2015 #01 with 2012 parts)

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Re: Tiger 1 - (42 - life, the universe, everything.....)

Post by Chris.Marshall »

Ahhhh !! Understood now. I'm thinking purely of one vehicle type in the numbering sequence, not different types. :idea:

Makes more sense now.....


Tiger 1 Early - (Kit42) - Still boxed.

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