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Smoker Thermistor ?

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 8:42 pm
by Brian Womersley
Have recently installed the smoker unit into my Pershing
In the smoker wiring loom is what I believe to be some sort of thermistor possibly to control the solder iron element or the fan speed ?
Can anyone confirm my thoughts and advise where you think it should be located as it has a bolt hole fixing ( possibly onto the smoker box)
There is no mention of it in the instructions?

Re: Smoker Thermistor ?

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 8:49 pm
by Ed Groenenberg
Hello Brian.

That is a MOSFET. It will control the speed on the fan.
Not sure if you are versed in electronics, but is is basically an electronic switch with some specific capabilities.
The sound module which is part of the red box uses a pulsed signal, and that signal controls the MOSFET.
In idle mode, the pulse frequency is low, and when you accelerate, the pulse frequency increases -> thus more smoke :)



Re: Smoker Thermistor ?

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 9:10 pm
by Brian Womersley
Thanks Ed…. A very detailed reply and explanation.
So the bolt hole is not used and the mosfet can just be tucked away in a corner somewhere ( does it need to be insulated )

Re: Smoker Thermistor ?

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2023 10:42 am
by Ed Groenenberg
Hello Brian.

The package type of the MOSFET is a 'TO-220'. and the backplate can be mounted on a cooling plate (if necessary).

What I did on my smoker for the Panther, I just drilled a hole in the plastic base for the fan, tapped
it with an M3 tap an used a short screw to fix it.
As the power amount to be controlled is very low, there is a minimal amount of heat dissipation, so no worries.