I'm ready to assemble the tracks. Checking out how things went together I notice that the 1mm cotter pins are fairly loose in the pins and collars.
I don't have a pin gauge set to measure the holes so I thought I would ask, will they accept 1.5mm or 2.0mm diameter cotter pins?
Hole diameter of track pin collar?
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Hole diameter of track pin collar?
1:6 King Tiger. 1:1 White M3A1 Scout car, Ford GPW, Dodge WC-57 Command Car, Ford GTB, CJV-35/U, Willys MB, Willys M38.
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Re: Hole diameter of track pin collar?
If nobody comes back with the size of the hole, you can always use the shank of a 1.5 and 2.0mm drill to check for size.
Split pins are meant to be a little loose in their respective holes.
Split pins are meant to be a little loose in their respective holes.
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Re: Hole diameter of track pin collar?
Thank you. I do not have drills in that size (yet), but I know there are 2mm rivets in the kit, I can start there.
1:6 King Tiger. 1:1 White M3A1 Scout car, Ford GPW, Dodge WC-57 Command Car, Ford GTB, CJV-35/U, Willys MB, Willys M38.