Good evening all.
A bit chilly and wet this week when not actually at work, then It was dry, typical
Still, smaller tasks I can do in the house and I can get away with mean some progress is made. In this case the S1 bonnet (alright, hood for the good 'ole US of A), replaced the hinges and windscreen thingies which enabled the use smaller hex bolts.
"Mission Creep", love the phrase, it happens all the time round here. In this case simulated rivets

I had to stop just now as the sun is that low and bright it was blinding, not complaining at tall mind. Hope to add more over the weekend, maybe.

- Swapped the M2/2.5 with 10BA (sml head(12ba))
With luck I can clean all this up and paint it and fit it at the end of the build, a plan possibly.
Have a good weekend.
Chieftain No.34, functional. PKW IV (2002), operational. Panther G No.18 (2022), started, well some of it is. Series 1 4x4 No.28 and a Bailey Bridge.