Model recovery - how to do it?

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Gerhard Michel
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Re: Model recovery - how to do it?

Post by Gerhard Michel »

Peter Quambusch wrote:
Thu May 04, 2023 2:20 pm
As you say "a tank is a tank" why don't you use one to recover the other? Did that several times with mine.... KT is strong enough to pull a JP over more than 500 Yards out of a sand pit, or a Sturmtiger out of the woods.... both with tracks on.... Just pulling a KT out of these environments with tracks on is a no go...


Hi Peter,

of course this is a possibility. But I prefer to avoid empty batteries, and this was the main cause for failures I saw till now (the other were broken track links). Moreover non-Armortek models might have no suitable mounting points for real towing. I afterwards fitted all my models with durable mounting points to fix them in my car. These points can also be used for towing, but till now I didn't have the necessity to tow another model.
kind regards
1/6 Scale models: Jagdpanther (AT), Jagdtiger (BT), Königstiger (Porsche turret, NH), Königstiger (Production turret, BT), Pz. IV (SH)

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Re: Model recovery - how to do it?

Post by Jerry Carducci »

Gerhard Michel wrote:
Thu May 04, 2023 10:37 pm

...... Moreover non-Armortek models might have no suitable mounting points for real towing. I afterwards fitted all my models with durable mounting points to fix them in my car. These points can also be used for towing, but till now I didn't have the necessity to tow another model.
Gerhard could you elaborate on this a bit and show an example? Thanks.

Jerry - RC tanks: stay home, build a tank and save a life!

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Peter Quambusch
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Re: Model recovery - how to do it?

Post by Peter Quambusch »


Hi Peter,

of course this is a possibility. But I prefer to avoid empty batteries, and this was the main cause for failures I saw till now (the other were broken track links). Moreover non-Armortek models might have no suitable mounting points for real towing. I afterwards fitted all my models with durable mounting points to fix them in my car. These points can also be used for towing, but till now I didn't have the necessity to tow another model.

Hi Gerald, The JP's electronics failed in the banking heat of Eckermühlen sandpit and the Sturmtiger lost an idler wheel during test runns. But so far never any empty battery.... But the cause is of no interest. If the tank doesn't run, you have to recover it, or blow it up... :D


Lord, give me strength to change the things I am able to change.... and patience to endure the things I can not change :-) A bunch of Tiger and Panther variants, Leo II, Famo, 222s, a few 88`s and smaler ones like Hetzer, Stug III, 251, etc.

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