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Not a rivet counter but...

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 8:08 am
by Ray Brown
Hi guys,

I'm far from being a rivet counter when it comes to building these models and try to replicate the real aspects onto these scaled downed kits to my skill level abilities which are mainly the easy changes which I will eventually will show.

One of my replications is the bullet guard (my name) around the drivers view hatch (again my name). This is where a major flaw was found in measurements. I assume that the only suggestion will be to machine a new one. Not a problem, I'll give it a go. Just a heads up for those considering this mod.



Everything seem ok.

Opened to reveal the discrepency
Actual piece in question.

Re: Not a rivet counter but...

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 9:22 am
by Stephen White
Looks good Ray.

I’ve felt for a while that this Forum may need a Rivet Counters’ Support Group, to help any who may need counseling. We should all recognize that being a rivet counter isn’t easy and that they are sometimes subjected to unwanted comments and innuendos, which might trouble their sense of wellness, which we all deserve. I have counted the odd rivet in the past and was helped by the support and kindness of others with the same syndrome. I’m over it now but there may be those out there who don’t feel able to come forward and celebrate their love of rivets as openly as they ought.

Come on rivet counters, you know who you are…..

Re: Not a rivet counter but...

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2022 1:01 am
by Ray Brown
updated guards. brass angle and milliput.

Re: Not a rivet counter but...

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2022 2:03 pm
by John Clarke
Stephen White wrote:
Mon Feb 07, 2022 9:22 am
Looks good Ray.

I’ve felt for a while that this Forum may need a Rivet Counters’ Support Group, to help any who may need counseling. We should all recognize that being a rivet counter isn’t easy and that they are sometimes subjected to unwanted comments and innuendos, which might trouble their sense of wellness, which we all deserve. I have counted the odd rivet in the past and was helped by the support and kindness of others with the same syndrome. I’m over it now but there may be those out there who don’t feel able to come forward and celebrate their love of rivets as openly as they ought.

Come on rivet counters, you know who you are…..
I enjoyed that Stephen.

It does look good Ray as with all the contributors to the Forum. We're all rivet counters to a certain degree, because we want our models to look good.

Rivet counting is an art, some will see rivets, and many won't. Not only is it the number of rivets, but there's also, the size of the rivet, the scale of the rivet and the quality of the rivet, and not to mention, the composition of the said rivet.
Phil Woolard put it well after I had a little melt down earlier this year "Compromise compromise compromise JC!"
Of course, he has the skills, the tools, the skill, the equipment, the contacts, the skill etc "to make it so" (no1) and it's a pleasure to follow such dream rivet builds.
If you wanted the perfect rivet though, it would have cost many thousands of pounds on the kit price to acquire, and even then, there'd be few rivets not quite correct.

I say, do the best you can with the rivet counting, comfortably knowing the non-rivet counters out there wouldn't have a clue what you're on about.
A Fellow rivet counter :D

Re: Not a rivet counter but...

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2022 5:33 pm
by Chris Hall
I can sympathise with the “not even seeing a rivet” :(

I certainly don’t think I could join the Worshipful Company of Rivet Counters, although I do respect and applaud your raison d’etre. Perhaps there could be an ‘aspirant level’ for those, like me, who can see the big issues, believe that Something Should Be Done, and bodge (technical term) a good enough solution within their limited skill set ?

All the best,

Aspirational Bodger

Re: Not a rivet counter but...

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2022 10:54 pm
by Steve Stuart
Perhaps the description for those of us who are not full on rivet counters, is that we are rivet estimators! I find myself altering the things that need to be changed. But what is interesting is to compare with others as to what is deemed important and what can be safely ignored? I am working on the Universal Carrier at the moment where I am tackling the Engine Cover at the moment.... It is interesting to see how to mould that which Armortek has provided to what I think needs to be there, all a good change from thinking about work!

Re: Not a rivet counter but...

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2022 10:03 am
by John Clarke
Steve & Chris, I'm afraid those personal descriptions seem typical for a secret rivet counter diagnosis.
There's no denying facts, any deviation from the instructions, any additions are all symptoms.
Hey, Does Armortek supply every kit with milliput? Course they don't!
Yep, It's time to come out of the pantry :D