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Panzer III Tools and Accessories Ready For Pre-Orders

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 9:25 am
by Mike Stannard (toyrific)
Hi Guys

As I have had many request about how the Panzer III tools and accessories are coming along I decided to take a few hours from assembly work and write this post. Yes it sometimes takes hours to do these posts, taking pictures and photo shopping them, checking references as to which tools fitted where and on what tank "Ausf". I always try to cross check lined drawings against period pictures, but many times one cannot find the right picture. Anyway for the Panzer III I used "Achtung Panzer No 2 Panzerkampfwagon III" as my main reference. This is an excellent series of books that I recommend to everyone. Lots of detailed drawings and 1:35 scale plans that can be blown up to 1:6 scale. I also used SdKfz. 141 Pz.Kpyz. III by Trojca for period picture references. another good book.

This is a long post with many pictures, I had planned on also putting in plans of were the parts I am making fit, but decided against it as it would really make this a big post. As it is I am listing 18 sets of parts that I will have available in the next two months or so and a further 11 products I might make if there is a demand for them.

Firstly I will cover the parts that I have made, some are ready to go, others need new photo-etched or cast parts to be made. All these set will be available for delivering in two months or so. As the Panzer III is now being delivered, two months from now should be a good time to get the upgrade parts. Another reason for my post now is that I have a special discount going on until Oct 31 as those that receive my newsletter will know. Here is the deal. You can order now and pay a 25% deposit with the balance due when your order is ready to ship, or pay in full by Oct 31 and get the following discounts. This applies to all my products, not just the Panzer III parts.

Orders up to $250.00 = 5% discount.
Orders $251.00 to $500.00 = 7.5% discount.
Orders over $501.00 = 10% discount.

Panzer III Tools and accessories.
PZIIIT01 Track Hammer (Panzer III Ausf A-N) 12.00
This hammer does not have any fittings as it was carried in a tool box, it is much smaller than the regular track hammers on larger tanks. It was also used on the Panzer IV series.
PZIIIT02 Axe (Panzer III Ausf A-N) 25.00
PZIIIT02K Axe (Panzer III Ausf A-N) Kit (Handle Fitted) 15.00
PZIIIT03 Long Handle Shovel (Panzer III Ausf A-N) 27.50
PZIIIT03K Long Handle Shovel (Panzer III Ausf A-N) Kit (Handle Fitted) 17.50
PZIIIT04 Wire Cutters (Panzer III Ausf A-N) 17.00
PZIIIT04K Wire Cutters (Panzer III Ausf A-N) Kit 11.00
PZIIIT05 Pry Bar Early Type (Panzer III Unknown to when fitted) 22.50
PZIIIT05K Pry Bar Early Type (Panzer III Unknown to when fitted) Kit 12.50
PZIIIT06 Pry Bar Late Type (Panzer III Unknown when first fitted) 22.50
PZIIIT06K Pry Bar late Type (Panzer III Unknown when first fitted) Kit 12.50
PZIIIT07 Start Crank (Panzer III Ausf A-N) 20.00
PZIIIT07K Start Crank (Panzer III Ausf A-N) Kit 12.00
PZIIIT08 ‘S’ Shackles Set of Two (Panzer III Ausf A-N) 35.00
PZIIIT08K ‘S’ Shackles Set of Two (Panzer III Ausf A-N) Kit 20.00
PZIIIT09 Jack Block (Panzer III Ausf A-Early J) 50.00
PZIIIT09K Jack Block (Panzer III Ausf A-Early J) Kit 20.00
This jack block was also used on Command tanks as the late type was to high to allow the 1.4 m antenna trough to be fitted.
PZIIIT10 Jack Block (Panzer III Ausf Late J - N) 50.00
PZIIIT10K Jack Block (Panzer III Ausf Late J-N Kit 20.00
PZIIIT11 Tow Rope Set with working wing nuts and eye bolts (Panzer III Ausf J - N) 80.00
PZIIIT11K Tow Rope Set with working wing nuts and eye bolts (Panzer III Ausf J-N Kit 50.00
This set will have phot0-etched brackets with working wing nuts and eye bolts.
PZIIIT12 Antenna Trough (Wood) (Panzer III Ausf A - N) 30.00
This trough will be made of wood and three photo-etched support brackets which will be made so you can set each one at the correct high to match the slope on any antenna in the stowed position.
PZIIIT13 Convoy Light (Panzer III Ausf G - N) 40.00
PZIIIT13K Convoy Light (Panzer III Ausf G - N) Kit 25.00
The convoy light will come with the correct two piece mounting bracket.
PZIIIT14 Rear Light (Panzer III Ausf A - F x 2, Ausf G-N x 1) 12.00
PZIIIT14K Rear Light (Panzer III Ausf A - F x 2, Ausf G-N x 1) Kit 7.00
PZIIIT15 MG AA Mount (Panzer III L to N) 80.00
PZIIIT15K MG AA Mount (Panzer III L to N) Kit 50.00
The Ausf L maybe to early for the MG AA Mount, but I am sure if any servived long enough they would have had them fitted.
PZIIIT16A Cleaning Rod Two Piece Aluminum Ends, Brackets & W/Wing Nuts (Panzer III N) 55.00
PZIIIT16AK Cleaning Rod Two Piece Alum Ends, Brackets & W/Wing Nuts (Panzer III N) Kit 30.00
PZIIIT16B Cleaning Rod Two Piece Brass Ends, Brackets & W/Wing Nuts (Panzer III N) 60.00
PZIIIT16BK Cleaning Rod Two Piece Brass Ends, Brackets & W/Wing Nuts (Panzer III N) Kit 35.00
This can be ordered with brass or aluminum cleaning rod ends. I have not made a prototype of this as it requires a lot of fine brass work to make the brackets. From my research these brackets were only used on the Ausf N, however I could be wrong.
PZIIIT17A Cleaning Rod Two Piece with Aluminum Ends & Two Leather Straps(Panzer III A-M) 16.00
PZIIIT17B Cleaning Rod Two Piece with Brass Ends & Two Leather Straps(Panzer III A-M) 21.00
Finding out were and how the cleaning rods were stowed is difficult, all I have found is that on some tanks they were attached to the antenna trough by two leather straps. The only reference I have of this is a lined drawing were they are attached to the 1.4 m antenna trough on a Ausf K Command tank. Would be interested to hear if anyone knows more.
PZIIIT18 Tow Bracket Pins (Panzer III A-N) 12.00
PZIIIT18k Tow Bracket Pins (Panzer III A-N) Kit 6.00
PZIIIT19 Engine Intake Grill Covers Set of Two. Left and right side 60.00
PZIIIT19K Engine Intake Grill Covers Set of Two. Left and right side. 40.00
The above parts are not yet published in my catalog.

Other parts that also fit on the Panzer III (Pictures of these parts can be found in my on line catalog in the General AFV and Flag section).
Catalog Link:
GENT002 Fire Extinguisher Set (Late Type) 45.00
GENT002k Fire Extinguisher Set (Late Type) as a Kit 25.00
GENT003 Fire Extinguisher Set (Early Type) 40.00
GENT003k Fire Extinguisher Set (Early Type) as a Kit 20.00
GENT006L Stowage Bin and Tool Box Catches Large Set of 4 35.00
GENT006Lk Stowage Bin and Tool Box Catches Large Set of 4 in kit form 20.00
GENT006S Stowage Bin and Tool Box Catches Small Set of 4 35.00
GENT006Sk Stowage Bin and Tool Box Catches Small Set of 4 in kit form 20.00
GENT007a Antennenfuss (flexible base) without wing nut and strap (For GENT008a & b) 18.00
GENT007b Antennenfuss (flexible base) with wing nut and strap (For straight rod antenna) 25.00
GENT08a 1.4m Stab Antenna with strap and wing nut. 20.00
GENT08b 2m Stab Antenna with strap and wing nut. 20.00
Gent020 2 Padlocks in Kit form 10.00
IDF01 Large Swastika ID Flag 6â€

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 1:30 pm
by Jim Fowler

I am making a list as we speak....thank you for your offerings!

But, there is one item I see in the pictures that I can not find a reference to in your PDFs:


Do you offer this side antennea base? And, will it allow the antennea to swivel up and down?

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 6:12 pm
by Mike Stannard (toyrific)
Hi Jim

It is included in item number 5 on the parts to make list, "rotating antenna base". I will sell this also as a replacement for the kit one.


Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 2:08 am
by Lawrence Godson
OK Mike but I'm confused, as usual, ---- item #5 says for command tanks only. What would come in your kit to replace the standard (for non- command tanks) antenna on the Armortek kit and what would it cost?

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 3:05 am
by Mike Stannard (toyrific)
Hi Larry

I may also offer a replacement for the standard tank, it will be the same rotating base with a 2 m antenna and the same wood trough as in PZIIIT12. Still not sure how many will want to upgrade the rotating antenna base as the one on the kit looks very good. However if there is enough interest I will make one. I will work on a proper prototype and see what happens.


Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:15 am
by Jim Fowler

I am hoping your antenna will incorporate flexible antenna mount to allow the stab style antenna to not just rotate up and down, but allow the antenna itself to spring about during turret rotation.

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 5:56 am
by Mike Stannard (toyrific)
Hope this will answer the questions about the antenna bases, but before I get into that I want to let you know that I have made a prototype of the intake grills and prices and picture has been updated in my first post.

To answer questions on the antenna base I decided to give you a run down on all the antennas. This way you can judge better what you want to do.

The basic antenna base was the same on all Panzer III's, however there are some minor variations, these do effect to over all look of the base. The main variation seems to appear only on the Ausf M which has an extra bracket which offsets the antenna from the center of the base. I assume this has something to due with the height of the antenna trough. Picture below, also note the track tool, this is the same as the one used on the Panzer IV, but does not appear to be stowed on the tank deck so likely carried in a tool box or bin.

I do plan on making the antenna base which can be used to replace the kit one or upgrade to a command tank. This will be a metal casting with photo-etched parts. It will include the detail at the base of the antenna and will rotate so it can be stowed in the trough. Not sure yet how to make it spring back into position. You will see from the drawings below it had a complicated mechanism, with springs, handles and locks to make it work on the real one. Until I have figured out how to make this work I cannot give a estimated price.
The antenna was able to flex when the turret was rotated and I figure it was archived by the mechanism and springs built into the base. However it appears it would not work correctly when it came into contact with the stowage bin. See drawing below.

Panzer III Command Tank Antennas.
There were a few different configurations, the plan below outlines the basic set up.


Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 2:10 pm
by Jim Fowler

Thanks for the update. I will be added a set of the grills to my next order - sent in my initial order last night - unless you will let me add it to the existing order?

Your hypothysis on the antenna flexing back and forth when the stowage bin or barrel contacted it is correct. that is exactly the way it worked. Also, mounted to the sides (top and bottom) of the stowage bin's sides were wooden strips that acted as isolators to help keep the antenna from grounding on incidental contact. Unfortunately, those strips did not hold up very well and not replaced too often as I understand; so, you have to look hard to find examples. I do know that the line drawings in Achtung Panzer No. 2 covers this topic and shows the strips on the stowage bin contacting the antenna in one of its examples (page 36 in my book)

Here is what I want to know: Can you produce a replacement antenna mount that would allow the model's antenna the same flexability when contacted by the stowage bin or barrel? Furthermore, could your side mounted antenna base allow, by the inclusion of extended center shaft with a lever on the inside of the tank, to raise and lower the antenna by use of a servo? For me, this would make your antenna an absolute "must-have" item because it brings the possibility of a new animated feature - whether utilized or not initially, it would be there.

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 4:42 pm
by Mike Stannard (toyrific)
Hi Jim

Check your invoice, I already added the grills. As for a servo assisted antenna it is possible but there would be a problem. My basic thinking is to use a rod through the center of the antenna base rather like the real one and attach a coil spring to it on the inside hull which would give the antenna flexibility.. This rod could be made long enough to attach a servo, but the servo would lock the antenna and not allow the spring to work. You could not have both working at the same time. If a servo was attached it would need to be programmed to folded down the antenna before the turret bin came into contact with it or you would have to remember to fold it down when rotating the turret in it's direction. The outside detail on the antenna is to small to incorporate any form of spring on the outside.


Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 5:30 pm
by Adrian Harris
How about having the rod from the antenna ending with a flat disk, with a matching disk attached to the servo and facing it.

Between the disks is mounted a torsion spring or clock type spring, stiff enough to allow the antenna disk to follow the movement of the servo disk but soft enough to activate when the barrel or bin strikes the antenna...

Shouldn't be too hard to build :shock: :shock:


Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 5:35 pm
by Mike Stannard (toyrific)
Hi Adrian

Sounds like an idea but maybe to much for my technical abilities.....


Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 6:03 pm
by Jim Fowler

The inner and outer springs to the inside of the antenna base diagram you posted may act as Adrian has described. However, you have raised a good point. And, I think you would be right to make the antenna as you describe. Make the part not too complicated; and, if I or others want to automate it we can.

On my order. Thanks for including the screens; but, after reviewing the order again, I notice you did not include the cleaning rods (PZIIIT117B)? Can we correct that for this order? Or, I can just add it to the next one.