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2018 Panzer III Turret assembly

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 9:43 pm
by LesBernell
I'm confused about the assembly of the Turret Bearing.
I have been looking a previous posts, and some show the assembly of the Turret bearing with Part number CL0403.
My 2018 Panzer doesn't have a CL0403 (Not in the parts list, assembly instructions, and not in the box).
So it looks like they modified the Turret Bearing mounting for the 2018 version.
I understand that Bottom to top the sequence is:
CL0447 - Ring Gear
CL0443 - Turret Spacer
CL0432 - Turret Bearing

Where does the CL0303 fit in the sandwich?
Every time I think I have it figured out; the parts are countersunk in the wrong places.

Can someone elaborate?
Or better yet: Pictures?

I really appreciate it.

Re: 2018 Panzer III Turret assembly

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 10:01 pm
by Brian Ostlind
Probably on top of the bearing.