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25 Pounder with special benefits

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2018 9:22 pm
by Pieter Koops

After years of building, delays and others projects my 25 Pounder build comes to an end. To friends in my 1/6th Appgroup I showed Dave’s resin models of the leather cases that were to be mounted on the back of the shield. I asked them for advice how to credibly paint leather. I was told it is possible but Bob Draayer and Jan-Cees Grinwis had other ideas.

Bob and Jan-Cees are well known in the 1/6th scale hobby in the Netherlands issuing uniforms, weapons and equipment of the Netherlands Army, mostly pre WW2.
Bob Draayer (FB) based in the Netherlands, is a passionate remodeler among others of German WW2 uniforms into pre-WW2 Royal Netherlands Army and Marines uniforms. His typical Netherlands Army head gear (such as the “kepi” and the “veldmuts”) are exquisite and he is a whizard with leather cartridge and tool cases, belts and other equipment. Famous are Bob’s dioramas with Royal Netherlands Marines defending Rotterdam in May 1940.
Jan-Cees Grinwis (FB) based also in the Netherlands produces the famous Netherlands Army Hembrug M95 rifles and carbines (all variants), bayonets and the “Stormdolk” (Dutch fighting knife), the typical Dutch helmet, leather coats for motorcyclists, uniforms for the MILVA (Dutch WAAF) and many things more. Jan-Cees also makes leather cases and canvas specials one of which I hope to show in the future in this post.

This model is my best ever in 1/6th scale and I wish to thank:
Armortek: for a great kit of an icon of World War 2 and of the Netherlands Army after the war,
Armorpax: for the tool cases and countless intricate resin and white metal parts,
Bob Draayer: for his great life-like leather cases and
Jan-Cees Grinwis: for the leather belts, a leather case and some canvas cloth I am going to tell you about more later.

Pieter Koops not quite finished yet but bristling with details.
Bob's soldier of the 8th Regiment Infantry Royal Netherlands Army with his "Kepi" and walking out or semi dress uniform. Note the fine blue piping Bob made.
Jan-Cees's leather belts with working buckles on Dave's tool cases and grease gun.
Bob's leather cases.