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Displaying treads in the NEW POST quick link

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 7:56 am
by Stian Sollie
I Wonder if there is a 'trix to the 'New posts' tread , to still make it display all New treads ( obviously those still not read) , after you have been Reading 'one' of them .
a2 (Small).jpg
If I click on any of the topics now since last time I've been here for a read , and then go back to main page to continue on NeXT topic, all of them are gone
a1 (Small).jpg

Re: Displaying treads in the NEW POST quick link

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 12:16 am
by Adrian Harris
What happens when you click the link shown arrowed below on the Home page ?

New Posts.jpg

I get the recent posts since the last time I visited, even after they have all been read:

New Posts 2.jpg
