Having said how I intended to do it, I thought I'd better actually get on with it ! Tankfest isn't long away now .......
This is what I'm trying to recreate (C Battalion before Cambrai):
- Fascine 1917 2.jpg (54.39 KiB) Viewed 8623 times
- Fascine 1917 3.jpg (76.71 KiB) Viewed 8623 times
Here are the basic materials:
Costs per fascine are:
- £11.99 - a roll of Brushwood Thatch Natural Fencing Screening (4.0m x 1.0m), which is enough for a single fascine if you cut it in half lengthways. Available from a range of online garden suppliers (post free if you shop around);
- £3.98 - 2m of chain, cut into 2 x 1m lengths, from the local hardware shop;
- £3.82 - a length of 3.4cm battening (enough for at least 5 fascines !), from a well-known DIY store ;
- and a supply of cable ties (doesn't everyone have a bundle of them in the garage ?).
A helpful, understanding and practical wife is also useful
As I said, each fascine will be about 17" wide for our models. So cut a piece of battening to that length, as a measure. I then stained it with some old fence preserver, which gave it a nice railway sleeper look (which I'm sure is what they were). This will form a flat base of the fascine when it sits on top of the tank.
Then start bundling ! Cut (saw) your brushwood roll in half lengthways, which will give you two long rolls each around 20" wide. Unroll them a bit at a time, cutting of a length of around 6-8", which you can then roll up and hold together with a cable tie. Rinse and repeat until the you've run out.
I then cut down a spare garden container of Helen's (OK, it did once hold chicken s**t) which was about 10" diameter. This provides a useful container to build the fascine. Start with the battening, and then stuff in as many bundles as you can, ensuring they all reach the bottom. It ends up looking like this:
Now to wrap the chains around, and tension them. In 1917 this was done with the aid of two Mark IV tanks ! The fascines were under considerable pressure - there are recorded instances of them bursting and killing both Chinese labourers and soldiers hunting for firewood. But, in this modern, safety concious age, I used a couple of ratchet straps between a couple of trees:
Then fasten each chain with a shackle (note to self: find a pair of chain cutters to cut off the spare links
Cut out all the cable ties that are showing - the bundles will stay together, under pressure. Then you just need to trim each end to the same length as the batten, and neaten it all up (a battery-operated hedge trimmer proved ideal for this). The final result should look like this:
And, on
Liesel (who didn't carry a fascine as a Beutepanzer, but could have done in her 4571 British service days .... ):
I'm pleased with the outcome, which looks like the pictures and isn't just a 'bundle of sticks'. As Kent (I think) says "it's all in the details". I put together two fascines this morning - just one more to do for the intended trench-crossing display at Tankfest and Amiens 100.
I hope you've found this fascine-ating
(well, if I didn't say it, Steve Stuart would have).
The next job will be to fit the chains that hold the fascine to the tank, but that'll require more thought. It would be really nice if someone could design a servo-operated release mechanism (
Adrian ?).
All the best,