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"Flat" aerosol cans

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2018 1:38 pm
by Adrian Harris
Anyone ever had a can of Upol Acid 8 etch primer with no 'Pzzzt' in the can ?

Just started a new can I bought last year and it's terrible - hardly any paint dispersed and very uneven coverage. I've tried the nozzle from the previous can and that's no better :cry:

I've been shaking it for a good five minutes, as I knew it had been on the shelf for a while. It' s been in the spare bedroom, so not exposed to extremes of hot or cold.

I don't know if the can is faulty or the valve, as it seems to have a very small sweet spot of finger pressure which gives a better spray, but not even close to the previous can.


Re: "Flat" aerosol cans

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2018 1:45 pm
by Stephen White
Yes, I've had two like that with Upol Acid 8, as you say, stored in good conditions but sat on the shelf for a few months. No "Pzzzt". Tried everything to produce some output without success. If anyone has a reliable remedy it would save us all a lot of money. Stephen

Re: "Flat" aerosol cans

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2018 1:49 pm
by dennypatterson
:lol: :lol: :roll: :roll: OH Dear!!!!! disaster. as they say in the west country ' cor bugger jagger' Denny.

Re: "Flat" aerosol cans

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2018 2:18 pm
by simon_manning
hi adrian, buy the u-pol acid etch primer of e-bay x 12 cans £66.00, you can buy in smaller quantaties and it's cheaper, not the acid 8, thats a high build primer we dont need, warm the can you have with a hairdryer gently, if there's no pressure after that when it's warm it's u.s. don't throw it away, cut the can open and use the contents, mind your finger's, regards simon.

Re: "Flat" aerosol cans

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2018 3:22 pm
by andyquirot
Hi there
Yes most primers need worming up before use it helps them atomize . I just stand mine i a sink with a bit of warm water for a few of minutes.
Regards Andy Q