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Norfolk Tank Museum Model Armourfest

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 10:49 am
by Pete Nash
I have been in contact with Melvyn Johnson who is organising a Model Festival at the Norfolk Tank Museum over the weekend of April 21st and 22nd.
The Norfolk Tank Museum is situated at forcett St Peter near Long Stratton on the A140 between Ipswich and Norwich, actually about halfway between Diss and Norwich. For those who have seen the Channel 4 documentary on re creacting a Mk.IV tank buy Guy martin they have Deborah II in the Museum.

Melvyn has told me that this is the first time they have attempted to have such a festival on a large scale, and that all tank owners are welcome.

There are two camp sites very close by.

Melvyn has also said that any type of model is welcome, including Trucks, cars, Boats, and possibly trains and planes so it might be ending up as a 'big boys toys' festival.

If this is of interest to anyone please reply so I can give Melvyn an idea of possible participants.

Re: Norfolk Tank Museum Model Armourfest

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 3:53 pm
by Tim Page
Hi Pete, Ive been trying to generate a bit of interest for this event, but not enough takers at this time.

Re: Norfolk Tank Museum Model Armourfest

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 11:26 am
by Pete Nash
Hi tim, will you be going? I've had one reply so far.


Re: Norfolk Tank Museum Model Armourfest

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 11:32 am
by Tim Page
Hi Pete, i had a chat last weekend at the South West Model show where there was a very good turnout.
As a club we need at least 4 to cover the stand and help setup etc.
So far there have only been 2 willing to attend, so at this time we do not have the minimum required.
I am 2 hours away, but for most of the members this would be a 5-6 hour journey.
