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Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 2:08 pm
by Graham Hough
Hi. I am having trouble finding the advice on the 25pdr. forum about how to rivet the shield. I have glued elsewhere but the shield can be seen from both sides. I have a the correct tools but a bit of advice would be helpful before I waste any more rivets.

Re: Rivet

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 2:50 pm
by Stephen White

It’s much easier if you have the right tools, the appropriate rivet snap and a ball peen hammer. Setting a rivet involves three stages:

- hold the rivet snap vertically in a vice, place a rivet into its hole and place the rivet head into the rivet snap.

- using the ball peen hammer, start to form a rolled edge around the protruding shank.

- to finish, either flatten the shank or using a second snap, form a dome.

You may have to shorten the shank to leave It should have the equivalent of the diameter of the head protruding beyond the surface to be riveted.

This post shows it all: ... p?th=63500

Happy New Year.


Re: Rivet

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 4:00 pm
by Christian Steinhauer
Hello Graham,

I only want to add the formula for riveting, then you have the condition for consitent rivets heads.
long of rivetshaft = both sheets + 1,5 diameter of rivetshaft

Re: Rivet

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 11:56 pm
by Robert MacDonald
I didn't have the correct devices, so I drilled a shallow hole the diameter and depth of a rivet head in the end of a soft steel rod, then clamped it in a vice. I then set the rivet where it needed to be, placed it in the hole in the camped rod and used large nail set with a conical indent to expand the rivet. One hit and the rivet is well set. And leaves a consistent back side shape. I cut reduced the length as stated above.

Hope that helps.

Re: Rivet

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 8:38 am
by Graham Hough
Thank you Robert, Christian and Stephen for this very helpful advice.
Happy New Year to you all.