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Photobucket Update

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 11:02 am
by Stephen White
On Monday, Photobucket gave me 30 days notice that they would unilaterally suspend my Plus 20 plan, paid for until 2018, unless I upgraded. They have until now maintained the 3rd party sharing which came with my account. I chose my words carefully in replying but my email did mention breach of contract......

Last night I received a reply, which in effect extends 3rd party hosting beyond the end of next year. They "decided to make an exception for your account". Thank you Photobucket.

I wonder how many other "exceptions" they have made or will make if people stand up for their contracts.

So please disregard my last posts on my Pz III and Centurion threads. The photos aren't disappearing any time soon.


Re: Photobucket Update

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 11:32 am
by Tim Page
Hi Stephen, that is very interesting.

I am sure that most people have been using the free accounts which is why their pix are no longer avaialable.

I for one, have never used PB and always edit and backup my pix locally. I have used Flikr though and wonder if they will got the same route as PB.

Good to hear that your wonderful builds will remain intact for a while longer.


Re: Photobucket Update

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 8:31 pm
by Dave Dibb (Armorpax)
I like Stephen have had a paid account for years, I also received the same email a couple of days ago and I would imagine my response was similar to Stephen's. I have not yet heard anything back but we will see.

I am starting to upload the various walkrounds and build logs for the Armortek upgrades to my own website so they will remain accessible to all if I do lose all my post images.

Best regards


Re: Photobucket Update

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2017 10:12 pm
by Dave Dibb (Armorpax)
Hi All,

My threads are now safe until at least December 2018. I will continue building up my own archive of Kompact kit builds etc but have a little more time now to get it all done.

Best regards


Re: Photobucket Update

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 7:26 am
by Derek Attree
Hi Guys
I think Photobucket are a shabby shower of ................ fill in your own expletive.
I will not be redoing my photos on my stug build or comet and skdfz7 build as life is to short.

