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Somerset Festival of Transport, Frome 23rd/24th September

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 5:58 pm
by Mark Weddell
Hi All,

Meet up with Holger, Jim, Marc and Denny on Saturday at the Somerset Festival of Transport at Frome.

Best running area I’ve been to, a good mixture of surfaces, packed gravel track with a roughed-up grass edge and soft mud, cars ruts all over it then topped off with a “pond” 6x12 feet long with water and runny mud, 2/3inches deep, after a dip the tanks looked quite battle worn!

I got poo on the Honey’s track (the pond was handy to wash in) and the Panther broke a track link.

Overall a very good day.


Re: Somerset Festival of Transport, Frome 23rd/24th September

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 8:55 pm
by Steve Stuart
Glad there was no dog wash :twisted:
My Cromwell could do with running in a good muddy terrain! If we could find some red soil for next year Stephen might be able to get some authentic looking Vietnamese style mud on his Centurion 8)