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Tiger1 engine compartment

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 4:05 pm
by Ivano Costantini
Hello to all,
Do you know what this mechanism is and how does it work?
I did not find any documentation.
Thank you very much. Ivano

Re: Tiger1 engine compartment

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 8:06 am
by simon fuller

Picture not very sharp on my screen, but is this the linkages from the driver's accelerator pedal to the carburetors [ push-fit connectors and metal bars ].


Re: Tiger1 engine compartment

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 3:40 pm
by Ivano Costantini
Fantastic Simon,
thank you.
Can you tell me how the ties were?
Have the cables come from the firewall?
In facebook I had this answer, but I'm not clear.
Do you have any drawings? Thank you very much
" Two mechanical control rods for the engine come up from the floor and make a corner here. Sorry, I don't know offhand what they do."

Re: Tiger1 engine compartment

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 7:38 pm
by simon fuller
I don't have any better drawings or photos I'm afraid.

It just happens as a coincidence that I was at the museum in/on 131 when they first ran her after the winter engine removal.
these rods were discussed and adjusted at that time.
There is a rod running under the turret floor to connections behind the firewall. This runs vertically up to the unit you show within the engine compartment and then horizontally to the carbs.
Junctions are threaded bar type [ for adjustment ] and push fit ball/socket type.

Regards, SF.