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Quick question ref the main drive motors

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 12:00 pm
by Phil Woollard
What is the amp rating of the main drive 24v motors that Armortek use, because it doesn't seem say on the motor body? :(

Re: Quick question ref the main drive motors

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 12:20 pm
by Adrian Harris
I can't say for the newer EMD motors without digging one out but the original Parvalux motors were rated at 14.1 amps, 24 volts, 280 watts output.

How these values are affected by stall turns and hill climbing I can't say but I've blown a number of the 40A fuse in the main power module in the T-34, which is quite a light tank with slat slippery tracks.


Re: Quick question ref the main drive motors

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 1:29 pm
by Phil Woollard
Thanks Adrian, I was wondering if x2 10 amp's would run a light weight tiger 1 ie; an all ali with smaller batteries and a lower gear ratio?

Re: Quick question ref the main drive motors

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 2:40 pm
by Adrian Harris
Probably OK in a straight line ... :D

The original motion pack used VTX40 speed controllers, which had a capacity of 50A. I doubt Mark would have specified these unless he thought the tank needed a pretty high overhead.


Re: Quick question ref the main drive motors

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 2:59 pm
by Phil Woollard
Like you said ok in a straight line :D

Re: Quick question ref the main drive motors

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 7:32 pm
by Gian Marco Menozzi
You have to read the Watts on the body engine label ,
On the Tank there were mounted different models,
I have seen them from 350 Watts about 15 A to 24 Volt,
and 450 Watt about 19 A to 24 Volt,
On my PzIII i have 450 watts
280 Watt about 12 A to 24 Volt

Re: Quick question ref the main drive motors

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 10:07 pm
by Gerhard Michel
Well, I use the telemetry functions in my Jagdpanther, combined with a current sense. It shows that the motors consume more than 42 Amps at tableturn on grass (totally). But this power consumption is caused by the steel track links. Till now I have no skills using the original Armortek track links.

The type label is not a good source for such specifications, because this means only the nominal values. Such an electric motor can consume up to more than 100 Amps (short circuit value; only for a few seconds, before burning out! :twisted: )

Re: Quick question ref the main drive motors

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 6:00 am
by Phil Woollard
Thanks guys, Gerhard have you had good weather for testing your tanks? Also could you let yours guys know that I have x2 of the etched brass rear deck vent detail sheets for the Panther, and a spare Panther turret kit, new with fixing for sale, cheers mate..

Re: Quick question ref the main drive motors

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 11:05 pm
by Gerhard Michel
Hi Phil,

good weather? My Jagdpanther was damaged again last Saturday when trying to load it into my car! Truly to my thread header ('no mile') the cat didn't go 5 meters; then the track links went out of the idlers and jammed!

I will try to tell more about that in my Jagdpanther thread to keep this thread clean from those problems.