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A new SDKFZ7 owner

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 7:50 am
by Rob Nat
Hello everybody.

I first shall introduce myself. Im Rob from the Netherlands and i have been building tanks for a long time. I have done some reanactment and was the proud owner of het 1943 Dodge WC52. But deu to a divorse i had to end this hobby.

Now I have some 1/6 tanks like a King Tiger from FOA and currently building a SDKFZ 251/9 from FOA. I also have a SDKFZ22 and in stock a US M3 and a Nashorn so a lot to do in the future.

But had the wis to have a SDKFZ7 from Armortek. A friend of mine had 2 of them and he stolt me one of them. This one was unbild so now I finist the underhull and I am also loocking for some updates for the SDKFZ 7.
My King Tiger
My King Tiger

Re: A new SDKFZ7 owner

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 8:13 am
by Sam Hough

Re: A new SDKFZ7 owner

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 7:24 pm
by Maarten Schutjes
Veel plezier hier, Rob!