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Panther/Quad - Production/Despatch Update -

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 3:14 pm
by Armortek
Hi all,

As ever, life is very busy here at Armortek HQ!

Morris Commercial C8 Quad

We have started despatching the Quads this week, it is a large batch so do not worry if I have not written to you as yet, I will get to everyone as soon as possible.
We do still have a few kits available to order, which once the existing orders have been despatched will be available ex-stock.

Panther A

This batch of 50 has been selling extremely well and we have sold 90% of the batch, so if you are considering placing an order please do not leave it too long or you may end up disappointed.


We are sorry that Mark and I will not be at this event ourselves and are very grateful to Stephen White for all his efforts in organising an 'Armortek owners' event. I have the passes on my desk now and will be sending these out over the next few days.
