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Bovington trip

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 6:09 pm
by Sam Hough
Boys trip to Bovington. I don't think I've been since the 70s.
I look up to him because...
I look up to him because...
No idea
No idea
It took a long time for the boy to master the camera...
It took a long time for the boy to master the camera...
Possible next project...
Possible next project...
Another possible next project...
Another possible next project...
Great day out. They were running a Leopard 1, I've never heard engine noise like it!



Re: Bovington trip

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 8:43 pm
by Mark Heaps
Sam Hough wrote: They were running a Leopard 1, I've never heard engine noise like it!
A few years back I was stationed at Bergen-Hohne ( the british army camp next to Bergen-Belsen, the concentration camp ) The flat I was in was about 50 meters from the range-road. When a convoy of tanks was going past, we could tell whether they were british Challenger, American Abrams or German Leopards from how the ornaments on the shelves vibrated and danced.
After a while there you automatically filtered out the noise as being normal background noise, the same way you would if you were living in the flight-path of an airport.