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Knowledge Base Topics - Radio Systems selection added

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 3:25 pm
by Armortek
I've now added a new Knowledge Base topic on how to select a radio system compatible with Armortek models here: ... =34&t=6139

It is in two parts, a guide to modern RC radio system terminology and a short piece to help avoid the (very few) incompatibility issues with older Armortek Motion Pack Speed Control Modules.

The manufacturers are not always very open about the specifications of their systems and they like to invent proprietary terminology which further confuses the issue. If I've made any errors in the topic, please comment accordingly and I'll gladly amend. That goes for any other comments too.

(If you're a manufacturer of radio systems and you think I've undersold your latest and finest, well, I'm not your salesman but I am a very average and easily confused user).

Hope it's useful.

Stephen :idea: :|

Re: Knowledge Base Topics - Radio Systems selection added

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 8:56 pm
by Peter Curran
Hi , can I first apologise for being totally ignorant on all things to do with Radio control.
Having recently bought a "mostly" assembled 2009 Kingtiger number 031 , all of the electronics have been installed and wired up very neatly (the original builder Chris Gutteridge is/was a electronics engineer. There is a Futaba FP-R118F 8 channel receiver installed , what I need to know is what transmitter to buy - would a Futaba T8FG 8 channel 2.4GHz be ok . I would like to see the electrics work befor I strip it out to start my rebuild .
Hoping for help and insight Pete.

Re: Knowledge Base Topics - Radio Systems selection added

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 9:17 pm
by Shaun Hunt
Hi Peter,

I think I can answer that question for you.

A quick search for FP-R118F shows me images that look like it is a 35 MHz or 40 MHz type receiver. This would not be compatible with 2.4 GHz systems.

You would need to look at buying a radio and receiver that is compatable with the electronics you have fitted.


Re: Knowledge Base Topics - Radio Systems selection added

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 10:59 pm
by Steve Stuart
Trying to make head or tail out of Spektrum Radios, I now realise that there are hidden hazards. Which DX7, DX8 and DX9 systems are compatible with Armortek? It seems that there are versions of each that have different characteristics that turn it all into a minefield!
Any insight will be appreciated :D Steve

Re: Knowledge Base Topics - Radio Systems selection added

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 1:02 pm
by Dennis Jones
Hi Steve.

I think you will find that all Spektrum models are compatible with Amortek electronics. Just phone me if you need any advice.
