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Ribbed Rubber Matting

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 9:04 pm
by Mark Weddell
Hi All,

Whilst at TIGER day I was asked about the ribbed rubber matting on my ramps, I found it on eBay.

Use the Search for: ‘Ribbed Matting’ or ‘Broad Ribbed Trailer Matting’.

This is who I bought it from, there is an eBay Shop for them and they do have a counter if you can go to there, and you can have a look round at what available stock and off-cuts they have (take cash!).

I used contact adhesive to glue it down. I also used it to surface my lift and Tank storage skates. And the rubbery smell gives the work shop a manly feel (I think!).

Thanks to Gill, Mark and every one for an enjoyable day and listening to me twittering on about paint (again).


28- 30 Purdeys Way
Purdeys Way Industrial Estate

Phone: 0845 1301375

Hope this is of help.
