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UKTC 2015 Membership

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 10:08 pm
by John Holland (UKTC)
Emails Have gone out over the last few days for the renewals. Thanks to Mark and Gill for allowing me to post on here in case anybody's not seen the posts on the UKTC forum or Facebook. Please fill in the attached forms and send to me with your cheque made out to the UK Tank Club. No calendars this year back to normal next year. If your email has changed please email me at I have had some problems sending to some email addresses as they are not now used so please if you want to renew please contact me on

John Holland
UKTC membership secretary

Re: UKTC 2015 Membership

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 11:32 am
by John Holland (UKTC)
2015 Club Membership. Thanks to all the members that have renewed or newly joined so far. I have been sending out the membership cards and insurance certs in batches,due to the way I have to print them, so most of you that have been in touch will have them by now. The last batch I did went out yesterday (20th Dec).
Important point now, those that haven't yet renewed the membership runs from the 1st Jan to the 31st Dec. So please keep that in mind, I'll give a bit of leeway but you may have to pay new membership if you leave it too long.