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Help with the recoil wiring

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 10:36 am
by Gary Sullivan
Can anybody help with any clear photos how this task is carried or a realy simple step buy step idiots guide for the correct connections for the turret and recoil system,this is my first time using or fitting any RC equipment,and I have no electrical knowledge at all and I do not understand the instruction book that well I realy thought this would be plug & play.
Once I connect the turret loom connections I am left a single connector with white and yellow wires,I guessing it is for a blank fire unit?.My elevation motor engages immediately and lowers the gun and keeps going as the micro swithes do not stop the motor,also it will not raise .
When I connect the recoil connectors to the Amplifier unit I lose all sound from the unit as I have to disconnect the connection marked E the amplifier control cable.and place the connector from the recoil unit in its place .These problems are now holding the build up as I cannot bolt the decking down until this is competed .Any help I would be very great full.

Re: Help with the recoil wiring

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 4:40 pm
by Paul Morris
Hi Gary.

We are fitting the recoil set up in a Tiger 1 in the morning we can easily take some pictures for you and post on here if it will help you out?
Cheers Paul & Vinnie.

Re: Help with the recoil wiring

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 4:51 pm
by phil fitzpatrick
Hi Gary and Paul
Just answered your PM Gary,if your recoil manual was like mine with the photo
chopped off,the 2 right hand cables cross over each other in the picture,so the Gun
cable that goes to the connection by the volume control is the right hand cable.
So the other cable of that right hand pair is the one that replaces the receiver to amp connection.