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Remembrance Day
Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 9:09 am
by Armortek
- remembrance-day-poppy[6].jpg (22.59 KiB) Viewed 823 times
Re: Remembrance Day
Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 12:19 pm
by Stephen White
When you go home
Tell them of us and say
For your tomorrow
We gave our today
Memorial to the falllen of 2nd British Division, Battle of Kohima, 1944
Probably based on epitaph for the Spartan rearguard who held the pass of Thermopylae against the Persians in 480BC:
Tell it in Sparta, thou that passes by
Here, faithful to her charge, her soldiers lie
Re: Remembrance Day
Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 12:44 pm
by michael hilton
Well said Armortek, and Stephen....I can never find the words however, I will always remember, and be eternally grateful. Mick