Problem with set up on 7c for my KT

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Ricky Selby
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Problem with set up on 7c for my KT

Post by Ricky Selby »

Can any one help me I have set up my r/c on the bench before installing in the KT ,transmitter and receiver battery fully charged and 12volt battery fully charged,every thing works ok as per channel but sometimes when operating the turret motor the right hand track motor operates at full power or if no operating any controls with tx and rx on,the right hand motor operates at full power and the only way to stop it is to is to operate the right hand motor stick.I have tried it with my other r/c Planet T5 2.4 but still get the same problem so I use my other older r/c Futaba Skysports 4 T4VF 40 MHZ system but still got the same intermittent problem,Could it be that the speed controller is faulty as it does it with all r/c systems or is it something I doing wrong any suggestion .Many thanks Ricky Selby

Peter Silcock
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Re: Problem with set up on 7c for my KT

Post by Peter Silcock »

Hi Ricky What control equipment are you using? I ask because the Armortek equipment does not require a receiver battery. Presume that you have connected both 12v batteries up. What channels are you using for the tracks and the turret turn? Are you using single stick operation for the tracks.I would initially try reversing the channels for the tracks and see if the problem tranfers to the left hand track. Sounds to me that you have a wiring fault possibly an intermittent short and should double check all connections. Let us know more details of your operating equipment.

Ricky Selby
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Re: Problem with set up on 7c for my KT

Post by Ricky Selby »

Hi Peter,i am using Futaba 7c 2.4ghz r/c,I have used the 5v supply from armortek power supply and tried the receiver battery to see if this would solve the problem,I used channels 2 and 3 as per book for the track motors and i have changed then around and the problem move from the right hand motor to the left hand motor,the turret motor is on channel 1,checked all the wiring and connectors all ok,Ricky

Peter Silcock
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Re: Problem with set up on 7c for my KT

Post by Peter Silcock »

Ricky initially I would try plugging the turret rotation into another channel and see if the problem persists. If it does then I would suspect that it is the actual turning of the rotation motor which is causing the fault although I have only have had this interfering with the sound system on a model. Also try plugging say the turret elevation into channel 1 and see if this causes the same problem. Mostly with this type of fault it is a process of elimination. Carefully check the rc plugs on the affected channels these are very susceptible to mechanical damage and even tiny defects such as the smallest section of exposed wire can cause some very strange effects. If you have had to buy extension leads to the receiver check these I have had faulty new ones in the past. Let us know how you get on!

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Re: Problem with set up on 7c for my KT

Post by leesellars »

Where are you Ricky

Dont hit me so early in the morning with those negative waves.
Listen carefully i shall say this only once.
If its not broke dont fix it.
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Re: Problem with set up on 7c for my KT

Post by Adrian Harris »

Sounds to me as though the receiver failsafe is kicking in for some reason.

On a plane, this puts the propellor motor at idle, but on our tanks, it puts one of the tracks into full reverse.

Definitely sounds like there is something amiss with the electrics.

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Ricky Selby
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Re: Problem with set up on 7c for my KT

Post by Ricky Selby »

Hi Lee,answer to your question I live in Hastings ,East Sussex

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