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sound system burned???

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 2:01 am
by John Grima
Hi guys, a little while ago I successfully configured the bene sound system in my firefly. Today while I was working on another function (a servo cutoff switch), I had the rotten luck of a wire making contact with a battery lead. the other side of the wire was plugged into the RX. Within a split second a quick spark, a crackle from my speaker, and I found out I fried my RX, and a servo :cry: . The tank was off when this occurred, and I didn't notice it until I went to turn on the tank, only to get nothing in response.

The option pack survived, I opened up the cover and all the fuses were intact. I hooked the tank up to another RX and the tank is run able. But the sound system appears to be dead >:C. When the tank powers on it makes the popping noises, but nothing else. Is there a circuit breaker or a fuse in the sound card? If so can I reset it...Or will I need to replace the unit all together (which I really hope is not the case...really really hope) Anyway any help will be appreciated.

Re: sound system burned???

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 8:11 am
by Adrian Harris
I don't believe there are any fuses on the amplifier or TBS5. The fact is makes a noise at all when when you switch it on is quite a good sign.

As you've replaced the RX, it may just be that the Benedini needs to be reset.

How you do that depends on whether you're using an encoder or not:

For toggle switch mode, just press the programming button on the Benedini once it has powered up, and it will run through the different sounds automatically.

For encoder mode, press the programming button, then step through each position on the encoder, selecting each sound in order.


Re: sound system burned???

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 10:22 am
by Garry Coomber
I am not aware of any reset on the Benedini. There is no fuse and Thomas does clearly state in the documentation that it should have a 3 amp fuse inline, so unless there is a fuse in the option pack somewhere, unlikely. The best thing to do is drop Thomas an email . He is normally quick to respond and from my experience, extremely helpful, and sometimes able to repair damage, so all is not lost.

Re: sound system burned???

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 9:14 pm
by Ad Wouterse
Hi guys,

When you switch to a different RX you may have to run the programming sequence again.
This is explained in the soundunit's manual.
Fingers crossed Jim :!:

Re: sound system burned???

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 10:00 pm
by John Grima
Hi guys, thanks for the responses. I checked the programming sequence soon after I switched the rx. When I follow the instructions and the same procedure that I did before the system loops a popping sound. This is the same popping sound that the tank makes when turned on. I don't think it's the speakers as they both are emitting sounds. I'll give armortek a call on Monday to see if they can assist me further.

I still have yet been able to check the smoke system and the proportional smoke control, since proportional control is hooked up to the sound system there can be a chance that the surge could have effected that too, but though a good sign that it survived in that when the tank is turned on the green LED activates, so possibly it survived, but I will know for certain once everything is sorted out.

Re: sound system burned???

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 10:27 pm
by Adrian Harris
> system loops a popping sound

When you switch it on, does the popping sound loop or does it just play a set number of pops ?


Re: sound system burned???

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 11:37 pm
by John Grima
When the tank is switched on it makes 4 pops. the popping loop is when I turn on the tank and press the board button. When the tank is turned off and on again the popping loop doesn't return (unless I press the button on the circuit board again).

the system is completely unresponsive to any radio commands that I'm giving it when the tank is turned on and when the popping loop is occurring

Re: sound system burned???

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 11:53 pm
by Adrian Harris
Four pops sounds like the Benedini board is in Mode 2 - Digital Control.

Does the LED flash twice ?

To change the mode, you need to power the board up with the programming button pressed.

It should flash the LED once and pop once, though it can sound like twice.

To set encoder mode, press the button once, and the board should respond after a short delay with one flash and pop. Press the button once again and the board should respond with another single flash and pop. It should then start looping with quick flashes and pops. If it does that at any stage before you've set the right mode, then you need to power off and start again. It's very finicky about how quickly you press the button and for how long.

To set toggle switch mode, hold the button down at power up, press once to change the mode, then press three times to set toggle switch mode. It should respond with thress flashes before the repeating loop, but getting those three presses at the right speed and for the right duration is a knack :roll:
