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Harrogate model show

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 10:12 pm
by mick whittingham
Hi all,

is anyone attending the Harrogate model engineering show next weekend?

I will be there on sunday to collect my non tank related static models entered in the competition class for miscellaneous models.

Just wondered if there would be any more tankies there to soak up the engineering ambience.



Re: Harrogate model show

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 8:42 am
by Kevin Hunter
Hi Mick, how are you?
I will be there for a few hours for a mooch, but on Friday. As 9th May is Liberation Day here in the Channel Islands we have 2 bank holidays this week - so I've taken the week off!
Sadly I need to start heading south Friday evening..... Hoping to call in to Bovvy on Saturday before I get the boat back home.

Re: Harrogate model show

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 6:50 pm
by mick whittingham
Hi Kevin,

things are very good here, the Cent is on final finishing and detailing but I am still taking it steady.

As I mentioned above I have been doing a few non tank model projects to keep my engineering skills sharp so if you look on the table with model machinery on you may see my competition entry, I am taking a small glass display case to show the items in so look out for that. I am working Friday so have to drop the models off this Thursday evening and then collect them sunday.

Hope all is well with you and yours, best regards,


Re: Harrogate model show

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 6:21 pm
by mick whittingham
Hi all,

well I exhibited some model engineering work at the show for the first time and came away with a bronze award for both of the models submitted. Well chuffed with that as a start of my competition career and I got lots of tips from the judges and other exhibitors for next year. The Cent will definitely be travelling up with me as there were no other AFV models in the show. There was a banner outside saying something about a truck and tank society but there was no one about and I could not read the banner let alone see any models but I was there at the death on sunday.

I showed a few guys photo's of the Cent and got some really good feedback and lots of interest to see it on display next May. Can't wait to put her on display.

Best regards, mick