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King Tiger camerflarge colours

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 1:56 pm
by Ricky Selby
Can any King Tiger owns help me with the types of colours I need to paint my King Tiger and where to get then,I have just finished building the hull and I have just started to assemble the wheels and the construction manual tells you to paint then before assembly.many thanks Ricky Selby

Re: King Tiger camerflarge colours

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 6:40 am
by Allan Carlsen
Hello Ricky

It mens you have to give the parts some primer - before you paint the tank. :D

Re: King Tiger camerflarge colours

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 7:21 am
by John Fitzsimons
Etch Primer coat as a base for paint.

Re: King Tiger camerflarge colours

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 1:00 pm
by Ricky Selby
Thank you i will etch primer the tank and do you think a base colour of dark yellow and patterns of olive green,red brown on top of the base coat Ricky Selby

Re: King Tiger camerflarge colours

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 5:23 pm
by duncanallender
Hi Ricky,
I am painting my KT at the mo, and am using the following. As far as I am concerned this combo will give you a good likeness to a real KT.
Get etch primer from Halfords.
Then a base colour (as you said) of Humbrol Sand 63 or a dark yellow from Tamiya.
Then Humbrol olive drab TS-28, and a Tamiya Red Brown TS-1.
These are all spray cans and if you practise on somit before you do the tank you should be fine.
You can go down the route of a compresser and all that palarvour, but I didn't.
This is probably sacrilege to the purists amongst the armortek framily, but it does for me.
Good luck,

Re: King Tiger camerflarge colours

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 7:44 pm
by John Fitzsimons
If you go with ambush patern the camo is solid colours rat her than soft edge. My favorite for KT.
Good book for colours konigstiger in colour by trojca. I get these books from

Re: King Tiger camerflarge colours

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 10:07 pm
by mark lawson
Be careful with books from Trojka his scale plans are not accurate and his colour plates are more Vodka inspired than fact, when you compare his colour plates of Tiger II #222 from the LAH during the Ardennes offensive the original black and white pictures showing the original camouflage are nothing like his depiction, for scale drawings none are better than Thomas L Jentz from Panzertracts