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Cromwell Tools

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 10:04 pm
by Steve Stuart
Our Cromwell Rep, Wayne, came in with the Cromwell Tools Christmas savings catalogue (No.86) earlier this week. ... hure&id=68
On page 13 there is a 1/4" Drive Socket set with Metric, Inch and BA Sockets, something that would make an excellent Christmas Present at only £24.95 if only Santa's Helpers can get the message. :wink:
There are one or two other items that I would find dead useful. Also a cheaper Combination Spanner Set that my Sons could have. Instead of using mine, and leaving them lying around! Mine were a Christmas Present from my Mother and Father, so I must keep up the tradition. :D
If anyone wants help getting anything from Cromwell, let me know and I will contact our Rep.