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Transmitters, Receivers and compatibility with Armortek syst

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:52 am
by Jan_Donadoni
some time ago I saw that there could arise some troubles/problems when using Futaba TX/RX systems with more than 7ch. I understood it was something in the signal encoding or so on.
Actually I bought a Futaba T14sg for a Heli project. Reading the manual I found that it could manage simultaneously 2 x 7Ch futaba receivers.
This could help a lot people wishing to have many extras and animatronics figures (also pretty complex ones)
I believe the original issue was in the kind of signal exiting the receiver and going to Armorteks electronics. Receivers with 8+ Ch gave problems.
This way one could install 7 x7ch receivers (standard with no problems). The system should give up to 12 proportional channels + 2 non proportional.

TX instructions manual is available as a download from Futaba

Hope this will help! :D

Re: Transmitters, Receivers and compatibility with Armortek

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 6:21 pm
by Adrian Harris
Hi Jan.

I believe there are two different issues with receivers:

1) Some only output signals at 3.3 volts, which is not enough for the Armortek speed controllers.

2) Some systems output much faster frame rates (S-FHSS = 6.8mS and FHSS = 13.8mS) than the standard length frames of 22.5mS.

Both of these problems are down to the technology used, not specifically the number of channels used.

The official Armortek stance is posted here: ... f=3&t=3934

but it's good to know that bigger transmitters appear to be compatible :D


Re: Transmitters, Receivers and compatibility with Armortek

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 1:54 pm
by Jan_Donadoni
you are right. The good news is that you can operate simultaneously TWO receivers usually used by the "standard 7C" at a time from a single transmitter.
This way one could operate the full tank plus many more controls like one or more animatronics, or opening, closing doors and hatches and so on.