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Kubelwegen Cold Start for Tanks and AFV's

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 12:28 am
by Mike Stannard (toyrific)
Hi Guys

I have spent most of the last week modifying my Kubelwagen Cold Start. All is complete with the exception of a few minor details that I cannot add until to molds are made and I have all the castings done. Molds will be made in the next few days and final pictures of all the cast parts will be published some time in the next week or so.

The new design has come out very nice and I am happy with the results. By having a actual German user manual I was able to get all the detail correct. I had to make one very minor change to the transmission as the Dragon Kubelwagen is not accurate in measurements on the rear end, only very slightly off.

I am now taking orders for these, I only have 15 sets of photo-etched parts that I had made a while ago, three sets are already sold. I am offering the remaining 12 sets at 20% off until August 16. Once these are sold I will not have any more photo-etched parts in stock for around 6 weeks.

I am offering these as complete sets with all three starter bars for tanks, half tracks and vehicles with full stowage brackets and clamps. I am also offering sets for individual tanks, half tracks and vehicles with only one type of starter bar for those that only want to display the cold start fitted for use with a certain AFV. These sets will not come with the stowage fittings. Priority in sales for these first 12 sets will be given to orders for the full set. Others may have to wait until I have more non stowage fitting photo-etched parts made.

It will be about three weeks before these sets are ready to ship as I have to make the molds, cast parts and write the assembly instruction.

Here are the prices for the sets as kits, if you want them assembled it will cost double the listed price. For orders received and paid for by August 16 deduct 20% off the listed price.

Gent032-AK KW Cold Start for all tanks, half-tracks and vehicles as a kit. Wood Floor not included $250.00
Gent032-BK KW Cold Start (I) for vehicles with up to 4 litre engines as a kit. Without stowage fittings $165.00
Gent032-CK KW Cold Start (II) for most tanks as a kit. Without stowage fittings $170.00
Gent032-DK KW Cold Start (III) for most half tracks as a kit. Without stowage fittings $170.00

Here are pictures of the complete set. Many parts in the pictures are masters made for molds.

Cold Start in use.





Transmission detail


Only detailed picture I had to work with from the manual.


Transmission mount.


Transmission from all sides.


Parts of the cold start.


The cold start stowage.

Picture from the manual


The following pictures are of the parts stowed in a Kubelwagen.







With transmission removed so you can see how parts are stowed beneath it.


All parts removed to show the fittings and clamps only.


