Order Update April 6, 2013

Armortek owners can buy and sell 1/6 scale accessories and detail parts. note: Armortek does not necessarily endorse these products and can accept no liability for contractual disputes
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Mike Stannard (toyrific)

Order Update April 6, 2013

Post by Mike Stannard (toyrific) »

Hi Guys

I still do not have access to my old e-mail folders or my invoicing data base so please include you full name and address with all orders.

Order update.
29 orders shipped in the last 6 weeks, 42 current orders to go, most of which will ship by the end of the month. One thing that has been holding up around 25 of these orders is the 20 Ton Jacks. These are mostly complete, just require packaging. See my Post on 20 Ton Jack update posted today.

The last 6 weeks has been hectic for me with my problems with Steel Dragons and trying to catch up on orders. The Steel Dragons problem is almost solved. With work over the last 6 weeks I have most current orders almost filled, most only requiring a one or two parts. I have also been able to stock my parts bins and have most items in stock ready to ship as kits, some parts have to be packaged as required to fill orders. The more common sales parts are already packaged ready for order bins.

I am going to take a chance here and say that by the beginning of May I will be down to a two week or less turnaround on orders that require kits only. Orders which included assembled parts may still take 4 to 6 weeks depending on the content.

One problem with orders is those that require large photo-etched parts, such as the Tiger stowage bin and mudguards, Panther tool set and grills, and deck sheets. I do have some parts in stock, but my next photo-etch order will not be placed for 6 to 8 weeks so if you need any of these parts let me know. I can tell you what I have in stock or if you may have to wait for parts to be made.

I am going to be very busy for the next 3 to 4 weeks finalizing and shipping orders, to enable me to better serve you and plan ahead please place your orders as soon as possible so I can cast parts and make up my next photo-etch order for parts required

The picture below has 18 orders that are almost complete, 5 of them only require a 20 Ton Jack., a further 20 orders are for jacks only that are on back order.


Parts still on hold, most requiring new photo-etch artwork which I plan to complete in the next 6 to 8 weeks are.

KW Cold Start. Requires new parts and casting molds.
Blowtorch. Requires new photo-etch artwork.
Tiger 2 rear mudguards. Requires new photo-etch artwork.
88 mm Muzzle Brake. Requires new photo-etch artwork, master to be finished and casting mold to be made.
SD222 Turret Grill. Requires new photo-etch artwork.
KW MG Mounts and Stowage Rack. Requires new photo-etch artwork and casting masters to be made.
Stug III. Some parts require new photo-etch artwork and casting masters to be made.


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